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outlined icons Designed to have unified look and comprehensive coverage.
I updated about all icons to give you a original set.

BeautyLineSimple new curvy line icon set !!.

New Line icon pack added. BeautyLineSimple is based on BeautyLine with simpler & curved Design. DON'T MISS IT.

Beauty icon set include most of mimetypes, actions, apps, places, categories and device icons, and more will be added.
Most of Famous DE's are considered in designing stage but Feel free to remind me any forgoten Icons.
next things would be:
- adding New App Icons and Completing the set as much as possible
Almost Done :
- most of action icons
- much more apps covered
Also I know there is a problem in some icons but I'll redesign them in every release.
My main focus is on KDE as I use it myself but I'll try to support other DE's too and I'll add more DE specific icons in every release.

** By the way, I'm not a professional icon designer (as you can see!) and I just try to design and overhaul as good as I can to add something to the Great & Lovely Linux Community. **

I will try to complete the icon set as much as possible.
your comments and ideas are Welcome & will be covered and implemented even sooner, so any comment and idea is most welcome.

Just enjoy it
My Webdesign - طراحی سایت web site , more icon sets and My other works will be available on Website and Github

In Case you want to buy me coffee :-)
Paypal & Credit Card Donation: Donate
Donation with PerfectMoney : USD = U25253552 , EUR =E26653647
Last changelog:


- new app icons & requested icons added
- support for kde 6
- beautyLineSimple new line icon pack with simpler & curved design added
- beautyfolders synced with latest release

Ratings & Comments



10 Wonderful! Please an icon for Gnumeric and Fedy?


There is another icon missing. Goofcord. This is by far my most used icon set for so long. I work around what might be missing. Still the best icons made.


10 Can we get icons for opensnitch and fooyin


7 Help! "Folder" icon size too big on Thunar's toolbar's "Action" icon.


hi, please share a screenshot that I can find out the problem


I shared screenshot .png file.


9 Great icon set, it is my go to set of icons. Please fix icons in the KDE Weather applet, it always appears as raining, or thunder, even with clear/sunny weather forecast


After looking in to this a little more, it seems that many of the weather icon files are symlinked to weather.svg or gnome-weather.svg. Maybe need a few new svg files in there instead of the symlinks. Happy to help test/debug for you to fix :)


SAJJAD606, another awesome BeautyLine theme!


10 Perfect! Thanks for this theme. Only a few icons not themed for me.


10 Amazing could you also add a monochrome (black-white-grey) version for this?


Hello, since KDE 6 upgrade, there is an icon missing for the light configuration app in the tray, you know, for screen and kb lightning and also the night light mode. See : During the night, there is an icon, otherwise it's the one from the picture which probably is the Breeze one. I tried to fix it myself but I'm quite ignorant how to find out the name of the icon used by the application during the day :( Would be nice if you can fix it. Regards


If someone wants a fix : cd ~/.local/share/icons/BeautyLine , then ln -s actions/scalable/contrast.svg apps/scalable/brightness-high-symbolic.svg


10 They feel just right with my theme


Is there a list of all the apps you have icons for? That'd probably be a good flex lol


hi, sadly no, but I tried to support even less used apps to give a unified look to overal view. it's too complicated because there are so many versions of an app like git version, flathub, snap, repo


Very nice, but still needs a few fixes. Media eject doesn't display properly on Thunar and Xarchiver is missing two icons. ( ) You can see what is missing here. ( ) The icon size problem can only be solved by adding PNG icons. A few other icons are also missing: Cherry Tree, Gnumeric, Orage (calendar), dnfdragora (on the toolbar) and restart (on the LXDE shutdown panel). I didn't look for the exact names. BTW, the "gtk-update-icon-cache" command returns an "invalid..." error because either there is a space somewhere in some name, or it is a non-standard character.


hi, sure I'll try to apply some fixes, and add those icons (they are there btw but probably they need some name change)


10 This icon theme is great! Could you eventually add an icon for TeXMaker?


hi, thanks. sure I'll take a look. texmaker icon is designed and just need some name change ...


10 This has been my go-to icon pack for a couple years now, and I absolutely love it, and its huge variety of icons. One of the very few that I have found to have a WPSOffice icon, for example. Looks gorgeous on several dark themes in XFCE. I would like to make a few additional icon suggestions though, if you have time: for some math/statistics apps (SageMath, SciLab, Octave, MatLab, RStudio, Mathematica, compile and table icons in TexStudio), some retrogaming-related apps (ZXTune, Kega Fusion, Mednafen


hi, thanks for your heart warming comment. sure I'll try to add them in next update

1 Pling
0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version Full
downloads 24h 64
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 87

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.