Available as/for:xfce-416
Made by Paulxfce
This is the first theme in which I tried not to use white and grey, but a muted yellowish-dark-brown color palet.
Designed to be light, crisp, and simple, this theme is thoroughly built and tested to provide a nice desktop environment.
This theme supports only XFCE-4.16 and has 'basic'-GTK-2.0.
How to install:
Download the theme of your choice
> Desert-Teal-Blue
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory.
Then use the Apparence and Window-manager and select the theme. To apply the dark bottombar (and Whisker) right-click on the menu-button and choose 'properties'. And apply using dark theme.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take full effect!
The (license free) background image can be found here: https://pixy.org/6319114/
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best - unlike many other themes, this is really compact and equiliibrated, easy on the eyes.
10 Just started using this in Mint Xfce a few days ago. If anyone's interested in finding a good icon set for it, try Nordzy. I like Nordzy-Turquoise https://www.pling.com/p/1686927, myself. A big thank you to PaulXFCE for this really nice theme, and Alvatip for the icons!
10 10 the best
8 8 great !!! I would like it a bit darker, but it's great !!!
7 7 good
10 Very nice indeed, thanks! For the record, on my laptop I also experienced the "dirty white" that someone else has been complaining about, whereas on my desktop it looks nice and brownish, so I suppose the final effect depends largely upon the screen you're using.
Much appreciated
It could be, that's the only reason why i'm not using, but i'd love to
10 Thank you! I was hoping to make it xfce compatible. Now lets hope you make the dark version compatible too. Improvements for GTK2 would be also welcome. But it is still a solid 10 for me.
9 excellent
Thanks for the effort but it doesn't work for me. It looks like a dirty white. Please explore untapped "pastel" colors. Tx