Embed/Extract images to/from PDF losslessly
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Right click on one or more image files to losslessly embed them into a single multi-page *.PDF, or into many single-page ones, or right click on one or more PDF files to losslessly extract all of the embedded images in their original format.
These service menus use img2pdf and pdfimages to manipulate PDF files so that the pictures' quality is never degraded in the process.
- *.jpeg, *.jpeg2000 and *.png (WITHOUT alpha channel) will never be re-encoded when embedded;
- *.png files WITH alpha will be stripped of their transparency before embedding (because alpha is not supported by PDF);
- all other supported formats (*.ps, *.gif, *.webp, *.tga, *.bmp, *.ppn, *.ppg) will be converted to *.png before embedding.
- imagemagick
- img2pdf
- pdfimages
How to install:
- Dolphin -> Preferences -> Services -> Download New Services...
- move the downloaded move the extracted *.desktop file to ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus (create the folder if it's missing) Last changelog:
These service menus use img2pdf and pdfimages to manipulate PDF files so that the pictures' quality is never degraded in the process.
- *.jpeg, *.jpeg2000 and *.png (WITHOUT alpha channel) will never be re-encoded when embedded;
- *.png files WITH alpha will be stripped of their transparency before embedding (because alpha is not supported by PDF);
- all other supported formats (*.ps, *.gif, *.webp, *.tga, *.bmp, *.ppn, *.ppg) will be converted to *.png before embedding.
- imagemagick
- img2pdf
- pdfimages
How to install:
- Dolphin -> Preferences -> Services -> Download New Services...
- move the downloaded move the extracted *.desktop file to ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus (create the folder if it's missing)
- distributed as a servicemenuinstaller compatible *.tar.gz (this way it will be easier to install directly from Dolphin's settings);
- distributing both embedding and extracting service menus as just one package (useless to have 2 distinct products for this).
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
10 works really well!