Kwin, by default, has a focus-follows-mouse policy, meaning that the tilling operation will happen on the monitor where the mouse is, and not where the window is. To change this behaviour, go to `System Settings` -> `Window Management` -> `Window Behaviour` -> `Focus` -> `Multiscreen behaviour` and deselect the `Active screen follows mouse` toggle.
# Shortcut Sets
The default shortcut mimics Rectangle's shortcuts, so if you are familiar with it, you will be at home here.
If, however, you prefer to use the numberpad for this, there is an [numeric set](numeric.kksrc) you can import into Plasma instead. To import it open `System Settings` and go to `Shortcuts` and click the `Import Scheme` button on the bottom-right of the window. To go back to the default settings you can import the [default set](default.kksrc).
# Animations
This script does not deal with animations, however, the Geometry Change effect ( will animate the transitions triggered by kwin-rectangle.Last changelog:
Fix wrong capitalization in setting, causing it to be unmodifiable.
Ratings & Comments
I've been using this on Manjaro KDE for some time, works great!
10 Cool! Exactly what I want, thank you very much.
10 Just what I was looking for. Tiling without the automatic part. Thanks for making this and making it work with Wayland!
10 I was looking for something like that. thank you so much!