Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Expose Blue by Mark Whittaker is licenced under CC-BY 4.0
Update for Plasma 6.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
More Plasma Color Schemes from phob1an:
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© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
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Ratings & Comments
9 Using this one myself right now, quite the set sweetspot between XP's and Vista's esthetics. Thank you! Though, I wonder now... do you think you could make it feature the option to follow set color scheme (or make another equivalent like this but color scheme compatible), thus coloring the entire taskbar and its remaining like? You don't have to, but if you do, I would appreciate it!
It's hard to make gradients work with colorschemes. I need to write a small app like Walcol/CullaX to do it.
Hey Phob1an, I dont know any other way to get in touch with you. I would like to request a Windows 7 like theme. The only theme that even remotely feels like windows 7 is Curved Volatile. The rest art lackluster. For other themes that actually look good, they are made for kde 4, which means Im SOL for this kind of theme . Im just doing this for nostalgia sake. Please and thank you.
I thought there were already a number of win7 themes. Could do one I guess.
There are a few Win7 themes, but not too many. And out of them, only a few feel like windows 7. I move between themes for nostalgia sake. If you did Windows 7, I'd have the ability to choose between (funnily enough all your themes), a 90s windows theme, windows xp (and some variations of colours), and windows 7 :D. If you have a patrion, i'd sub
OK, finishing up another theme first but should be able to get to it in a week or so. Can you send me a pic of the particular Win7 style you like best? Its easier to contact me at No Patreon but if you'd like to send a small donation, my Paypal is at the same -