Comes with opaque version, blur version for Lightly application style, and shader version for a-parhom's fork of Lightly Shaders desktop effect. Install a-parhom's shaders effect to get rounded corners.
Also includes Alt version that is less hacky.
Recommended Configurations:
- Willow Dark: No Side Borders
- Willow Dark Blur: No Side Borders, Use with Lightly
- Willow Dark (Shaders): No Borders, Use with Lightly
- Willow Dark Alt (Shaders): No Borders, Use with Lightly
Use these to convert Willow Desktop to Dark:
Dark Plasma Style
Color Schemes
Ratings & Comments
Poorly the clickbox does not extend to the very corner. Among all installed decorations, Breeze is the only one doing that, which is pretty crazy.
Willow Dark and Willow Dark (Shaders) should have the behavior you are looking for. If you are having trouble with Willow Dark Alt, that was a design decision to overcome a technical limitation of the window icon sizing with the Aurorae Window Decoration Engine at the time. With Plasma 5.27, after a bit of testing, it may be fixable for Alt as well.
This should be fixed in the latest Alternate version.
9 If you have close, maximize and minimize buttons in the left top corner the Close button looks weird, like it was designed only to be right-sided. Could you fix that? Would be cool.
If you navigate to ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes/ and enter the folder for your active theme, you can replace close.svg with the close.svg.LEFTbak file and it should look correct. The shaders and alt versions also deal with that problem.
10 10 the best
Wow l4k1, I didn't know you liked Willow so much! Thank you for the plings and ratings!
9 9 excellent
5 Please test it for the systems with fractional scaling (125% for example). Bottom border is bigger than others, close button is out of borders and narrowed buttons on GTK apps like pamac and firefox (with disabled titlebar). Unusable on HiDPI
Fractional scaling is an Aurorae engine issue. I believe it is fixed on Wayland. I'm afraid it is also impossible to fix the issue you are describing with GTK apps. This theme is already a hack and themers do not have much control over the problems you are describing. I recommend changing your GTK theme if you have it set to Breeze.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best A theme that really looks like win11
Thanks! Wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the theme community and KDE's customisability.