Comes with opaque version, blur version for Lightly application style, and shader version for a-parhom's fork of Lightly Shaders desktop effect. Install a-parhom's shaders effect to get rounded corners.
Also includes Alt version that is less hacky.
Recommended Configurations:
- Willow Light: No Side Borders
- Willow Light Blur: No Side Borders, Use with Lightly
- Willow Light (Shaders): No Borders, Use with Lightly
- Willow Light Alt (Shaders): No Borders, Use with Lightly
Install Willow Desktop to automatically install all other dependencies
Ratings & Comments
1 Has a lot of artefacts and bugs in Plasma 5.25
Some screenshots would be very useful. Is it just this theme, or most/all themes with blur support that have bugs with 5.25?
10 Good
10 10 the best
Looks good! Do you have same for left sided button?
Thanks! If you want to check source, you can give Willow Light Alt a try. I will probably release an update soon to add a left-sided close.svg asset. If you want to have it right now, you can open /.local/share/aurorae/themes/WillowLightAlt/close.svg in Inkscape. Select each close button and press the "h" key to flip them to the left side. Save, then reapply the theme.
A left-sided close button is now included. Alternatively, you can use the Shader version with a-parhom's Lightly Shaders, which will look much better.
10 10 the best