Pho-Earth Adaptive
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:gnome-38gnome-40gnome-41gtk2gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4xfce-414xfce-416
Description:You want to keep using your venerable Oxygen or QtCurve widgets with Plasma, with any color scheme but can't find an appropriate GTK3 theme that matches it? Seek no more!
This theme is a heavy modification of my Pho-Earth-by-night (https://www.pling.com/p/1459383/), changing color names to match breeze's and many other improvements. At the same time, it is based on the wonderful pho series by GUILMOUR, such as Pho-Myrtus here: https://www.pling.com/s/Gnome/p/1240355/. It has currently departed very far away from that theme.
This Pho Earth Asaptive includes some predefined color schemes (that will work for GTK3 and 4, and are independent from Plasma themes). They're in the color_themes directory. By default, bright Pho Earth theme is enabled. To enable another theme, go to the directory where the theme is installed (typically: ~/.themes or ~/.local/share/themes) and execute the script change_theme.sh. This script will tell you which themes are available and let you chose one. This means that you can change this theme's colors regardless of current Plasma scheme (if there is one).
By default, this theme will not try to follow current Plasma color scheme. I had to do this so I could make Plasma theme work both for GTK3 and GTK4. To force this theme to honor current Plasma color scheme, you have to execute the script toggle_plasma.sh, following previous instructions too. You can also create new themes, it's quite easy: just copy one theme's file to another name and edit it: you just need to know how to define colors in RGB hexadecimal values, but any online color picker will help you with that.
Sadly, GTK2 can't follow plasma KDE color scheme automatically, the same way GTK3 and 4 do. Currently GTK2 uses Pho-Earth-by-night's GTK2 fixed colors. If I have time, I might create a script that changes GTK2 colors to follow either Plasma's or current theme.
GTK4 version is still under construction. It will probably look good enough most times, but there are things to be fixed. Please comment if there's anything to be fixed. I'm still learning about it by myself, by trial and error (is there any documentation that explains most if not all the changes from GTK3? Please tell me in the comments, too).
Each preview was obtained just by changing current Plasma color scheme. The first 3 previews show current style. Other previews show an older style, but I've kept them so you can see how this adaptation to Plasma's color schemes works.
There is a matching xfwm4 theme too, which will adapt to current colors.
(some keywords to help finding this theme: non-flat, 3D, 3-D, adaptive, adapts, multiple colors, multicolor, shadows, highlights)
I've decided to add an option to donate money: If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity, which I enjoy very much. Thank you!
Improved sliders
Now sliders (scrollbar, switch and scale) look more coherent with buttons. This may also remove some visual issues that sometimes appear when hovering scales (on gtk3-widget-factory, at least).
Ratings & Comments
10 Very nice idea and work.
10 Been using this theme for few years now, to match my (KDE as DE) Oxygen-flavored styled desktop. I really couldn't be anymore happy with it! It gladdens me a lot that this one follows the color scheme set on KDE's part, making it a lot more favorable to blend in overall. Works great with gtk3-classic too! This has to be spread to more and more fanatics like me. Out of curiosity, though, have you thought about making another GTK theme like this one with color scheme support, this time flavored inherently as Oxygen? Basically using this theme here as base, but updating to today's standards better: https://www.pling.com/p/1394719
Hi! This theme clearly admits some improvements, and making it more similar to Oxygen would definitely work, I think. So maybe I will, some day. I have a lot of themes and my updates are quite random, so no ETA. Anyway, thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it :)
Is it possible to make gtk2 theme to use same colors as the rest of gtk apps by default?
Unfortunately, i don't know of any automatic way of making gtk2 use the same colors as GTK3 or 4 apps, or Plasma's color scheme. It is theoretically possible to create a script that copies colors from Plasma's current color scheme to the gtk2 theme, but I haven't attempted it.
I meant more in a sense of having same 6 default themes as GTK3 without plasma does. I love earth.css color scheme, even if I wish tabs were slimmer.
Yes, good idea. I've actually achieved something similar in my ClearCrystal theme (https://www.pling.com/p/2013507/), where I created a templating script that works both for GTK 2 and GTK3
Sorry, I don't know why the answer was cut. The other thing I said was: I'll try to implement this, but not in this theme but another I'm currently working on, which is a refining of this, called oxygen-adaptive. I haven't published it yet, but the repo is already clonable and it is currently in a workable state. It's here: https://git.disroot.org/eudaimon/oxygen-adaptive
7 Buttons and controls near the edges feel too cramped. The titlebar also appears to be rather large and take up a tremendous amount of space in comparison to content on smaller windows. Maybe this is only for hidpi setups, IDK.
Could you post a screen capture of this issue with controls near the edges? So I know what is specifically what I could check. The titlebar is wide, indeed, but that's something I like (in order to have bigger buttons), like default Adwaita theme.
10 Look at the headerbars-/ titlebars. Yes they are a pain to code but maybe you can improve them a bit. Impressing job. You did work around some glitches of gtk3 very efficently while maintaining code compatibility to the standard look.
Hi, thanks! Could you please be more specific as to what is exactly what you'd like me to improve in the headerbars?
10 Nestort, your job is phenomenal. Please, don't forget Gkt2.
Thank you so much! Yes, I'm aware that this part is still missing. This summer l'll pay attention to it. There are at least two things to look for: making GTK2 adapt to selected color scheme for this theme (similar to what I intend for Skewaita), and also a script so GTK2 gets the colors from current plasma theme. That would be great :)
Very lightweight theme.
10 10 the best
Better and better !
7 Will you be adding a matching Cinnamon theme in the future? I think it's rather misleading to say it's "available as/for cinnamon" when there's currently no Cinnamon theme.
Hi, I think you're right: it can be misleading. I've removed that part. The thing is that a GTK theme is used by all GTK apps, regardless of the desktop type, and Cinnamon and Budgie desktops mostly have GTK apps. On top of this app widget style there is the desktop style (Gnome Shell, Budgie, Cinnamon, XFCE...), which has its own visual components (or widgets). So when I was marking these desktops, I only meant that the theme works well under these desktops (or it should), not that it includes specific themes for them. I'm only into GTK themeing, no Cinnamon, Budgie, Gnome Shell or Mate (Metacity), so I'm afraid I won't provide these. I do provide a xfwm4 theme (for XFCE), though.
Thank you. I absolutely love the theme. It would be a perfect 10 for me if it had a matching Cinnamon theme too. I hope somebody will create it someday. :-)
Certainly, having an accompanying Cinnamon and Gnome Shell themes would be great. Unfortunately my availability is rather low, and this theme itself needs still a lot of improvement, especially for its GTK4 version (for example, gtk4-widget-factory is very sluggish while using this theme, while it is not when using default Adwaita or some other gtk4 themes, and I haven't the slightest idea why). I'd love to have the time (and income) to be able to dedicate more time on this and other themes I've been developing. Maybe I'll add a paypal link and hope for the best :)
The best !
The preview directory in the downloaded file shows a cyan version. How to install that cyan version?
Hi! There is no with these colors. The theme picked them from Kvantum's KvCyan color scheme (that is, by selecting this color scheme in Plasma; remember this theme uses Breeze GTK's trick to pick current Plasma color scheme). But you can edit theme_colors.css to customize your colors. I have started to create two color themes and made theme_colors.css a link to one of theme. You can create your own custom css and link theme_colors.css to yours (beware that if you want to use git to update, you'll probably have to recreate the link each time, and may get some complaints about branches and so on)
I was thinking the same as Triceratops. Is there any way you could bundle those these color schemes into color_themes for those of us who don't want to run or install KDE Plasma?