Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description:Aleta is a material icon pack by Luci/Germe (I'm the same)
It is a bit minimalist, but it has a lot of details.
It is under heavy development, but it is fully usable and it has a lot of icons.
You can send me feedback on my telegram, my mastodon or the comments of this page.
my mastodon: *
my telegram: https://t.me/debgerme
the source code: https://gitea.sergiotarxz.freemyip.com/germedeb/aleta-postre
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
8 8 great
Thanks for the update!
you're welcome! Thanks for using my icon pack!!
I love this theme's simplicity and visibility. Keep up the great work please!
9 Nice project and great start, keep going on!
9 really great start. there are a few icons missing if the idea is to get all to have the same square design. keepassxc, solus software center (and maybe other software centers)gcolor3,liferea, rhythmbox, cawbird, thunderbird,gpodder, cherrytree, totem, brasero,avidemux and probably others. hope you will add these over time!
Thanks for reporting the missing icons!!! I'm working on it, they will be in the next release.