Stupid Simple Launcher
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Extract the folder, and just
kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Applet --install stupidsimplelauncher
to add it to your system.
Finer grain customization options & functionality
- Category buttons can now be thinner
- Added new tab for customizing application entries with sliders.
- The menu will close when launching options that would open new windows: these options are ones like 'Edit application', 'Open containing folder' or 'Launch new instance'.
Ratings & Comments
10 Wonderful work you've done with this launcher. It has been extremely useful and practical for me, and undoubtedly for many other KDE users as well. I can't wait to be able to use it on KDE Plasma 6. Additionally, I have a suggestion: it would be amazing if the launcher could group applications and, when an application is added to the dock, it would be removed from the launcher to avoid redundancy, similar to the App Grid in Gnome. Your work truly makes a difference to the KDE community.
9 When you update, set drag and drop settings on favorites, please.
10 10 the best
The custom categories size doesnt go as small as it used to with the latest update. Also line 147 in the contents/config/main.xml file doesnt change it to a small setting either
10 10 the best great work
I'm getting an error on kubuntu 22.04 and 22.04.1: file:///home/goldorak/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/stupidsimplelauncher/contents/ui/main.qml:61:9: Type MenuRepresentation unavailable file:///home/goldorak/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/stupidsimplelauncher/contents/ui/MenuRepresentation.qml:377:38: Type CategoriesList unavailable file:///home/goldorak/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/stupidsimplelauncher/contents/ui/CategoriesList.qml:28:20: PlasmaExtras.Highlight is not a type SSL is currently unusable :-(
1 1 ugh This is a joke. Test it... let's open 'custom shortcuts'. 1. Hit menu, type 'cus' - see it??? Ok this doesn't work - let's do Firefox. 2. Hit menu, type 'fire' - wow, we wee it now. Hit ENTER... OMG nothing again, now we must get the mouse and click!!!
As of now, hitting enter works as you expect it to. I still don't really know how to make 'custom shortcuts' be found. Documents and other stuff can be found now, though.
9 Love the menu, just one thing bothering me - when searching pressing the the enter/return key just exits the searchbar, so you have to hit enter twice: once to exit the search and then again to open the application. Is there a way to configure it so that pressing enter immediately opens the first application in the search? Thanks!
Way to go - rate it 9 when it hardly works...
10 Excellent. Perhaps my all time favorite. =Keep up the great work!
Thank you for your comment. I want to assure you that some quality of life changes are coming soon as well. I am just trying to get everything as ironed out as possible to make sure issues are nowhere to be found :)
Exciting stuff, I'll keep an eye out (which shoulldn't be too hard considering it's the launcher in use on all 4 of my monitors :-P )
There's only 1 thing worth mentionibg and this is in no way the fault of SSL but due to the scale (which I like a lot), you have to *really* like your icon pack. I like the one I'm using but sadly it's early on in its existence and as such, there are lots of missing apps with boring, gray question mark placeholders. I wish there was the ability to customize individual app icons on Archlike some Android Launchers allow (Like the one I use almost exclusivel;y, Hyperion Launcher, which has SO many customization options)
Here's the thing, the reason why there are so many menus in the KDE plasma environment is because we all use the same "interface" to look for the apps, show them, etc... But if I recall correctly you can set icons per applications for example by right clicking this menu's icon, then "edit applications", then look for the one and you should find a menu with all its data, including a way to add an icon. Regards!
Sorry to bother, but still "favourites" doen't show up, regardless the options... for me, It always starts with "all apps"...
If you mean the "Show favorite apps at the top of the grid" while paginating the menu, this is still in the works. I first want to get the paginated version ready for prime time.
The pagination of your menu is very good under Wayland. Good work. Now, I'm waiting that the "Show favorite apps at the top of the grid" option works with the pagination of your menu. Hope to see this soon.
How can I use meta key to launch it, I have it on latte dock
already found the answer here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/976045/how-to-launch-application-launcher-via-latte-dock-using-only-super-key
Sorry! I was about to tell you something about those lines
its okay
10 10 the best. I love this menu ,I love everything about it
When i unhide an application from the new applet in the menu it doesnt appear straight away, i have to kill the plasmashell and restart it or restart the computer for it to reappear
I tried showing a text under the new applet that said to reload that exact applet to see the new changes. I don't know at all how to fix the behavior you are describing, but could only find this workaround.