Miui 14 Mod Redmi Note 12 Pro and Pro plus
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
Is there any hope for new update?
اين التحديثات لم تظهر منذ اكتر من عام
salam alekum i need this rom with fastboot please
10 We want updates
Where is the latest update? Why not download it?
Where is the new update we have been waiting for months
@lostnebula Hello bro can you sen mıuı 14 rom link for begonia n8 pro
Well İm Found Orginal MIUI 13-14 Port Roma and FlymeOs etc https://wxdowmloads.cn/红米Note8Pro刷机资源/第三方ROM
Can you contact me via WhatsApp? 20 01278154319
Hello brother, I want a link to download twrp for the Redmi Note 8 Pro
اين التحديث الجديد أنا انتظر منز فترةتقارب 4 اشهررر وبرجاء، اضافة جميع مميزاتmiui14 ولا اسما فقط
Please English Are you wantReal Miui14
10 10 the best
Camera Fix : https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/xiaomi-inc/camera-xiaomi/ __Everything ok but i just need FM Radio Flash zip patch for TWRP please help me
Please someone with original stock MIUI 12.5 make a TWRP Flashable .zip patch for FMRadio and share it here. This is the only thing missing. Everything is amazing except me
hi thanks but the camera is not working. viper is not working and why is there no FM radio?
Please fix this problem
Sir, how I install the moded security app in stock rom.. I have twrp recovery, I need the enhanced visual option in game turbo, for increase game color.. Please help me sir.. There is no voice changer and enhanced visual option in stock game turbo.. Please help me sir... Thank you..
I got the answer. Thanks
9 RGGEUXM Cleaner doesn't work... Otherwise this is the best rom
Please fix this problem...