Available as/for:gtk2gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6matexfce-414xfce-416
Description: CyberHack is a GTK2, GTK3, xfwm4, metacity/marco (for Mate), Cinnamon, Emerald, qtCurve, Kvantum, Plasma Color Scheme and qt5ct color scheme for GNU/Linux desktops. It's hacker-looking, futuristic, cyberpunkish and glowing or neon. Its main colors are cyan and green, and it is a dark theme too. Entries have a fancy animation when they get focus. Disabled elements have a reddish tone. I find it nice that disabled elements are clearly noted as such.
Unfortunately Pling does not allow putting one same element in different categories, so for now it is only in GTK3/4 themes.
The third preview image shows xfwm4 window borders clearly. The first image also shows some background windows with xfwm4 theme too. Unfortunately, xfwm4 only allows black shadows, so it's not possible to make window borders glow like in GTK's CSD.
Update: I've added a new file, cyberhack-improved.json, which is a Gradience preset, that you need to copy to `~.config/presets/user`. To use it, you need [Gradience program](https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience). With this, now all gtk3, gtk4 and libadwaita look the same (although not exactly as with the "native" gtk3 theme). But it's good enough! Note: Gradience is archived, so it is no longer recommended to use. However
Update: I've created another theme, ClearCrystal, whose git repo has a branch called `neon`, which could be seen more or less as the update to Cyberhack which finally has support for GTK4 and libadwaita (i.e. native Gnome) apps. I also have some other themes which do support GTK4 and which also have the CyberHack color scheme available, such as hitech-gradience or orthogonal-markers theme (which I still haven't published here). hitech-gradience already has dark-cyberhack theme as default, so it's the easiest, if you wish to follow this path.
PayPal I've decided to add an option to donate money: If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity, which I enjoy very much. Thank you! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9LW4UGMXG6CQWLast changelog:
Added Kvantum theme
Added Kvantum theme and Klassy window decoration preset
Hi, I don't quite understand your question. To install this theme, you can uncompress it in your ~/.themes directory, so that there is a ~/.themes/CyberHack directory.
Or, if you want to use git directly, yo can go to ~/.themes and execute:
git clone https://git.disroot.org/eudaimon/CyberHack.git
This way, you'll be able to update the theme with `git pull` directly.
7In gnome-shell 40.5 borders for apps like gvim don't have the green border, but you can definitely style non-CSD windows with border shadows. GTK4 support hopefully soon!
I need to check Azurra Framework too, because I saw it has a GTK4 branch, although I don't know if it's ready or still a work in progress. But yes, GTK4 has different selectors for window CSD, so window border and cyan "shadows" do not work directly if you just try to copy gtk-3.0 folder to gtk-4.0.
Ratings & Comments
10 Really enjoying as it is very easy on the eyes. Thank you!
9 9 excellent
10 Awesome theme! Thanks for sharing.
10 very good LOL
how can me install this theme with terminal kali linux ? pls help me
Hi, I don't quite understand your question. To install this theme, you can uncompress it in your ~/.themes directory, so that there is a ~/.themes/CyberHack directory. Or, if you want to use git directly, yo can go to ~/.themes and execute: git clone https://git.disroot.org/eudaimon/CyberHack.git This way, you'll be able to update the theme with `git pull` directly.
9 9 excellent
7 In gnome-shell 40.5 borders for apps like gvim don't have the green border, but you can definitely style non-CSD windows with border shadows. GTK4 support hopefully soon!
I need to check Azurra Framework too, because I saw it has a GTK4 branch, although I don't know if it's ready or still a work in progress. But yes, GTK4 has different selectors for window CSD, so window border and cyan "shadows" do not work directly if you just try to copy gtk-3.0 folder to gtk-4.0.
9 For me is a nice theme. Good job and congratulations.
8 8 great
By the way, the icon theme is the wonderful BeautyLine by sajjad606 (https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1425426)