Description: Newaita remaster icon theme. Rethinking the old icon theme. Refreshed and made cleaner. So far in its initial form, but the theme of the icons will be updated.
Attention: Newaita-reborn and Newaita-reborn-Dark download required to install color options
For those who want to support and just for those who liked:
Last changelog:
Beta 1.0
- Changed the shape of the folders. Now the appearance is more harmonious. -Changed and refined Mint color -Added links to root and colored folders in the directories of monochrome icons of places. -Fixed bugs
10Спасибо Мастеру! Замечательная работа. Но, чаще использую иконки Newaita в желтом исполнении. Там очень красивый оттенок желтого, жаль, что здесь нет такого
10/10. I am a beginner, please help me. I am Xubuntu user and I want to use gray folder color. Right now I am using blue color and I want to change it. However, I don't know how ... Please somebody help. Thank you!
Geeqie's rename dialog shows certain icons much bigger than they should be, specifically the File Details dialog button and the status column icon for the unchanged name. Other themes like Numix, Papirus and Adwaita get this right. I think the icons in question are dialog-warning and dialog-information, and I suspect they're being accessed via stock ("gtk-info" for the dialog button image, according to "GTK_DEBUG=interactive geeqie"). I'm using geeqie 1.7.3 from Debian testing right now.
Ratings & Comments
10 Wonderful icon set, works really well with Xfce
10 Superb icon set.
10 Understated elegance.
10 Спасибо Мастеру! Замечательная работа. Но, чаще использую иконки Newaita в желтом исполнении. Там очень красивый оттенок желтого, жаль, что здесь нет такого
10 10 the best
10 Angry Upvote - Dracula is very nice. now taken over from the older Chameleon theme as my main.
9 9 excellent
10/10. I am a beginner, please help me. I am Xubuntu user and I want to use gray folder color. Right now I am using blue color and I want to change it. However, I don't know how ... Please somebody help. Thank you!
10 10 the best
Geeqie's rename dialog shows certain icons much bigger than they should be, specifically the File Details dialog button and the status column icon for the unchanged name. Other themes like Numix, Papirus and Adwaita get this right. I think the icons in question are dialog-warning and dialog-information, and I suspect they're being accessed via stock ("gtk-info" for the dialog button image, according to "GTK_DEBUG=interactive geeqie"). I'm using geeqie 1.7.3 from Debian testing right now.
correction: "... the status column icon for when a file has not been renamed."
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
9 The Videos folder in home stays teal for some reason, even after changing the color style?
10 Fabulous. Only one minor issue, the image on the folder for pictures does not match the symbol used in the sidebar.
8 8 great
9 9 excellent
Is it possible to add nord as a color variant of folders?
Do you happen to have a color palette?
If you mean Polar night, then it is almost the same as Dracula XD What palette exactly do you want for the variant?
rather, I mean frost (81a1c1), matching the GTK Nordic-Polar theme (
Ok, I get it. I'll do it when the time comes