Description: // Contents // Here is the color scheme for KDE Plasma, intended to be used with the rest of the PurE KDE theme.
** IMPORTANT ** // Dependencies //:
Lightly App and Window style: This color scheme includes an experimental transparency setting which is used by the Lightly App and Window Style. If you load this color scheme with the default Breeze app style, the background of most Qt apps will have an ugly gray color instead of the transparency.
I recommend compiling the latest Git version of the master branch, as it has solved the infamous Korners bug when used with certain color schemes (such as PurE). Lightly provides a cutting-edge visual style with rounded buttons, casted shadows, extra animations, and transparency on Qt apps:
// What is the PurE KDE theme? // PurE is a customizations series for the KDE Plasma 5 desktop. It aims to give Plasma users a new, modern, and visually attractive experience while still being useful for daily use. Inspired by a certain futuristic videogame (the namesake of this theme), this visual style mostly uses a variety of blue and blueish hues, similar to the default Breeze Light theme, but with more emphasis on transparency, rounded panels, and bold accent colors (mainly yellow and magenta).
// Why use PurE KDE theme? // Open Source: Just like all the other themes for KDE Plasma and the Plasma desktop that makes it all possible, the entirety of the code of the theme is openly offered to anyone on the internet under the GPL v3 license.
Based on modern Breeze theme releases: This theme is continuously updated to ensure compatibility with the latest stable Plasma releases.
Visually consistent: While the are many third-party themes that change Plasma's looks, few feel as integrated and polished as the default Breeze theme. PurE aims to achieve a level of consistency equal to the excellent default provided by the KDE Plasma team.
Made for daily use: I've been privately developing and testing this set of customizations for about one year and a half, to ensure it's optimal for daily use. The beautiful is the practical.
Ratings & Comments
10 Really good theme, will there be a dark equivalent?
Thank you! Yes, I'm planning a dark version of the theme.
10 10 the best
Thanks for the compliment!