For the widget to work, you need an account at (the API key is free).
Use mousewheel for scrolling forecast.
Don't forget to rate the widget!

This widget is not compatible with panels, please place it on your desktop!
Update 0.5: Fixed an annoying bug: memory leak when there is no internet.
Ratings & Comments
Is there any chance to get it work on Plasma 6?
Yes, but a little later (I only make plasmoids in my free time).
👍 Love to hear it. I really miss it. I just kept the error on my desktop. ;)
Patiently waiting for... )
any chance you could tell me how to lessen the shine on the lower flip segment. Also, tried to change the font by replacing 'comfortaa' with a custom font (did copy font into directory) but doesnt seem to work.
Now I am preparing an update in which a lot will be reworked. As soon as it comes out, I'll let you know.
nice, thank you
10 Really cool, thank you so much.
9 9 excellent - once you get the api and location sorted.
Ho, I just get 'N/A'
Did you get a free API key for the widget to work? If so, then you need to wait a bit (activation). If not, get it (link in settings).
Yes, a problem with that - this morning I saw an email that it got disabled due to a high number of hits - but it's ok right now.
Except at 11:34 it shows 11:3 - every ten minutes, it seems there's no 4!
Yes, I know about this bug. I'll try to fix it with an update. Thank you.
10 10 the best
This is easily the most visually beautiful weather widget I've seen. It would be nice to have the ability to remove the clock, however. Thanks!
9 please remove limit=99 from searchCity
Good day. If remove limit parameter - answer will contain only one place, but there are different places in the world with the same names.
In my case with limit I've got no places at all. But when I removed limit, I successfully found my place and widget started to work. Plasma 5.23.4, KDE Frameworks 5.88.0, QT 5.15.2.
Please write your place. I will check it.
It's Kyiv, UA. Thanks!
I just tried to find Kiev in 3 languages (Ukrainian / Russian / English) and in all cases everything worked out. The problem can arise only if the city name is not fully entered (this is an API feature). If the name of the city is entered in full, then everything is fine.
Actually, I've tried various variants (Kyiv, Kiev, Kiew, Kyyiv, Киев, Київ, UKKK, UA, Ukraine, manual lat/lon, etc), and every time got empty results. I've tried also other cities and counties and got no results either. Only removing limit=99 helped. I don't know why. I even entered query string in browser on OWM manually to see what's wrong – with limit=99 it is only formatting changes. Could be something with Qt itself or difference in OWM api reply. Maybe you can add a checkbox to turn off limit setting?
I will check it for various versions of Qt/Plasma and if this bug can reproduced, I'll add option to settings. Thanks for feedback.
And you must write full name of place and wait a few seconds for start search.