Available as/for:arch-packagedesktoprelease-gitx86-64
Description:Digital Clock Screensaver (GluQlo)
for Ubuntu 20.04
Package sources known as "gluqlo" could be found here:
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Kuźniarski Jacek, Copyright (c) 2014 Alexander Kovalenko
Although this package contains .xml and .desktop, they were totally unseen in xscreensaver, so I decided to do a trick with replacing "abstractile".
Both gkuqki.desktop and gluqlo.xml are included.
Installation instructions:
1) install xscreensaver
2) untar gluqlo.tar to any of your folders, would be great to a separate one
3) run script add-repo.sh - it will add repository and install "xenial" binary and font.
4) run script go.sh
BE AWARE that last step rewrites previously installed "abstractile" screensaver. If you want it back you'll have to reinstall xscreensaver-data package using for example synaptic. Or make backup of these three files:
I don't know why but simply copying files to appropriate directories of xscreensaver does not take effect!
So I simply copied files as "abstractile" and replaced that screensaver with "gluqlo" using these commands in terminal, where have files uncompressed, as root:
$ cp gluqlo.desktop /usr/share/applications/screensavers/abstractile.desktop
$ cp gluqlo.xml /usr/share/xscreensaver/config/abstractile.xml
$ cp /usr/lib/xscreensaver/gluqlo /usr/lib/xscreensaver/abstractile
or you can simply run included bash script "copy-files.sh".
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