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Expose Air
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Aero for my Expose series. Set window border size to Large.
Get the needed Kvantum here: https://www.pling.com/p/1687245/
Suggest font is Selawik. Last changelog:
Get the needed Kvantum here: https://www.pling.com/p/1687245/
Suggest font is Selawik.
Complete overhaul. This was looking a bit shabby.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 3.0
downloads 24h 16
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 19
More Global Themes (Plasma 5) from phob1an:
Other Global Themes (Plasma 5):
Global Themes
Global Themes in Plasma are Meta- or Super-Themes, capable of changing multiple aspects of the desktop environment at once, like Window Decoration, Plasma Theme, Color Scheme, Icon Theme etc. In addition, one can define the complete Layout, like what panel to use where, the menu type used and much more.
An example Global Theme:
For more info how to create Global themes click here:
https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Create_a_Global Theme_Package
Or watch this video:

Ratings & Comments
10 Hey, this is great, thank you for the hard work. Can I get keep the blur when the window is fullscreen?
Updated. https://www.pling.com/p/1687243/ Thanks for the vote.
Oh, you're awesome. Thank you, it's working right now
this looks great. how do I install it? do I do it from system settings or manually extract it to ~/.local/share/ ? also does this page include the other stuff like the splash screen and kvantum theme or do I have to get each one individually?
You _should_ be able to install it from SystemSettings which would bring in the Plasma theme, window decoration, splash, and colorscheme. You need to install the Kvantum separately from here https://www.pling.com/p/1687245/. Use Kvantum Settings Manager to import it or copy to ~/.config/Kvantum. There is also a login theme here: https://www.pling.com/p/1692328/
10 Greetings phob1an, I'm a big fan of Commonality and from what I see this new theme of yours is also excellent. Reminds me of Windows 7 graphics. Congratulations!
Thanks for the vote and warm greetings.
10 10 the best
Looks great but gives an error installing in Kubuntu 21.10 "Installation of /tmp/hwddAg-ExposeAir-Global-1.1.tar.bz2 failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns:/aurorae.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/1687243' "
I've tested it on Manjaro and Endeavour. You might need to install manually.
9 Absolutely great, looks a bit off in some places though but I like it
Working on an update, can you let me know which bits are 'off'?
The window buttons don't seem to be transparent like in the original OS and the title bar icon seems to be aligned to the top left
9 Cool theme! Could you make selection color more orange? https://ibb.co/TB4RBYq Or make it blue https://ibb.co/7S3FX6b
I'd be more inclined to use a deeper orange than the blue.
Thank you!
I'll do the orange in the next update.
Updated. The desktop theme has the darker orange but its totally gone in the application theme. Those Office 2007 references just didn't work.