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Description:This is another skeuomorphic theme (that is, non-flat and which imitates "real" elements). This time in light colors but at the same time it is easy on the eyes, avoiding this bright white which I personally don't like.
It comes in two variations: Grass, which has warmer tones, and Grass-Neutral, which has totally neutral grey colors for window and widgets, although it keeps green for selected elements, and light brown for disabled ones. Yes, this theme, like Soil, upon which it is based, have a brown tint for disabled elements, which is something I like to use for my themes: making disabled elements' condition more explicitly visible.
It is also made with Azurra Framework.
For this theme I recommend using non-flat icons. I love Newaita-reborn, Obsidian or my own Buuf Nestort theme, which has colorful hand drawn icons.
By the way: this GTK3 theme has absolutely no png or svg assets: everything is CSS magic, including checkboxes and radios.
This themes includes the following elements:
GTK2, GTK3, metacity, openbox, Unity, XFWM4, Cinnamon, Unity, KDE Color scheme, QT5ct color scheme, QtCurve presets.
(GTK2, metacity, openbox, Unity, Cinammon and QT5ct color schemes were create using Oomox and then modified by me).
The Xfwm4 theme should adapt to any other GTK theme, so it is very useful in itself.
If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity of creating themes, which I enjoy very much. Thank you!
Fixed desktop for Cinnamon
Now Cinnamon desktop should look OK. Please tell me if it's not the case via comments.
Ratings & Comments
9 Amazing retro theme! You have to love the color green though ;-)
I have a question, my GTK theme lacks the function to use the keyboard arrows to navigate to selected menu items as it is in your theme [url]https://i.postimg.cc/Hs9P8mvx/Screen-Image-Capture-2023-07- 19-15-25-14.png[/url] I have little idea about GTK themes, so my question is how and where to edit the CSS file.
Hi! Well, the function of navigating via keyboard does not depend on the theme, but on the app. What does depend on the theme is the visual feedback of the element that has the focus. In this case I think they are flat buttons, which have the " button.flat " selector. In GTK3, there are some pseudoclasses that are used for the different statuses. The relevant one for buttons is :focus (which indicates keyboard focus). But bear in mind that a button may have different pseudoclasses applied, so you need to take care of the different combinations. The relevant ones are :hover, :active ("being pressed"), :checked (for toggle buttons that may stay pressed, when being in a pressed state) and :disabled. What I recommend is that the same style is applied to both :hover and :focus states. So maybe you just need to copy the selector with the button:hover whenever you find one, but changing the hover for focus. Example: if you find " button:hover { ...} " then change it for " button:hover, button:focus {....} ". Also, many themes' CSS are generated automatically from source Sass code. This CSS is not intended to be edited directly, and tends to look quite messy. If you have access to the source Sass, it's going to be much better if you can edit that source and recompile de CSS. It's not always easy to do this. In the Grass case, for example, I haven't provided the source Sass because it's a messy mix of original Azurra Framework's sass plus my customizations, and they're in different directories, etc.
Unfortunately I can't figure it out, maybe you could take a look at this GTK theme yourself https://github.com/robson-66/DarkCold
Hi, In lines 1255-1259 you have the selectors for both :checked and :focus pseudoclasses (or "button states"). Personally I wouldn't show a :focus (which means "has keyboard focus") the same way that a checked (that is, pressed) button looks like. The thing is that there are broadly two types of buttons normal buttons and flat buttons (button.flat). Since you define the style for a .flat button (line 1129), I guess you also need to define for this all its states: :checked, :hover, :focus, etc. It is common that normal and a flat button both have the same aspect when checked, so typically you'd have a button:checked, button.flat:checked selector. I hope it helps.
Also, by the way, there seems to be an error in line 1140 (button.flat.hover): hover is not a class, but a pseudoclass, therefore it needs to be written as button.flat:hover.
Yesterday I spent all day adapting the gtk.css file to GTK4. But unfortunately I can't set these buttons, for me it's black magic. If you have some idea about it, maybe you could do it for me, and then upload it to some cloud drive. I would be very grateful to you.
Hi, sorry for the delay in the answer, I've been very busy this September. When I have the time, I'll check it out, but it's not going to be soon :/ I keep it in mind, though!
I tested both this amazing theme , really I loved, and after this I also installed Soil, however I can't be able to see my wallpaper because, over all my desktop appear, a big squaere with the theme color, Could you please tellme if anyone had the same problem and how can I resolve it ? I installed my theme always under $HOME/.themes, I finally had to install the next one Pho-earth, that it's also really aweson theme but I prefer grass.
Here you can observe what about talking about , https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbmYnZeIzTDryMSz3uc0PNZCm_1Kys4R/view?usp=sharing
*What I'm talking about.
Ah, I see. Are you using Cinnamon as desktop, maybe? I had to solve a similar issue with another theme of mine for Cinnamon, so hopefully it'll be quick. I'll try to fix it next week
I also forgot to ask you if you experience this problem also on Soil. And also, I forgot to thank you for your comment :)
Yes In fact I'm currently using linux mint 21 with cinnamon desktop, however, looking for more deatails, I found a cinnamon folder withing of scaffoliding of the theme , which contains assets css folders and cinnamon.css file, which means , from my humild point of view would work fine .
the same problem (gray square on desktop over the desktop wallpaper) it is present in the next themes: -> grass -> grass natural (the variant of grass theme) -> soil other themes that I tested and works really fine: -> pro-earth other themes that I tested and works really fine. although that does not have the cinnamon folder inside of the scaffolding of the theme: -> skewaita -> Deeply Skeuo
Hi, I've uploaded a new version which should fix this. Could you confirm it? Thanks!
I'm confirm you, all works really well , thanks su much for your fast en efficient support , have a grate day . By the way I tested both themes, grass and grass neutral , both works extremly good. thanks again.!
I'm glad, thanks! :)
HI again , currently I discover a little line just on the top of the desktop (image attachement) it is a little detail. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-CT0gv_Uy5ssTnYOZ79YHgCLG9VbEqVo?usp=sharing
Hi again! Is this the same Cinnamon desktop?
Actually the cause is not the Cinnamon folder (which is used to theme the menu and panels), but a peculiar decision from Cinnamon developers to use a "stack" element for the desktop. Stacks usually are only found in tabs, so I style them having this in mind. Now I've introduced a special selector for Cinnamon desktop to disable this styling only here.
9 9 excellent
9 Excellent! Any chance of a matching GNOME Shell theme?
Thanks! Well, I've never attempted to create a Gnome Shell theme before, so for now it'll stay without one. If I find the time, I will, though.