Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Scan files and directories with ClamTK in 2-clicks
* Dolphin
* ClamTK Last changelog:
* Dolphin
* ClamTK
Release 1.0.2
Added dutch language (thanks Heimen Stoffels )
Ratings & Comments
Hello, I took the liberty of writing above your work. Now it works for me. in summary: [Desktop Entry] Type=Service ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=all/all Actions=scan; X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel X-KDE-StartupNotify=false Icon=clamav Version=1.0.2 [Desktop Action scan] Name=Scan for viruses with ClamTK Name[en]=Scan for viruses with ClamTK Name[pt]=Escanear por vírus com ClamTK Name[es]=Buscar virus con ClamTK Name[ru]=Сканировать на вирусы с помощью ClamTK Name[zh]=使用 ClamTK 扫描病毒 Name[ar]=المسح بحثًا عن الفيروسات باستخدام ClamTK Name[ja]=ClamTKでウイルスをスキャンする Name[ko]=ClamTK로 바이러스 검사 Name[uk]=Скануйте на віруси за допомогою ClamTK Name[de]=Scannen Sie mit ClamTK nach Viren Name[vi]=Quét vi rút bằng ClamTK Name[pl]=Skanuj w poszukiwaniu wirusów za pomocą ClamTK Name[it]=Cerca virus con ClamTK Name[iw]=סרוק לאיתור וירוסים עם ClamTK Name[be]=Сканіраванне вірусаў з дапамогай ClamTK Name[fr]=Recherche de virus à l'aide de ClamTK Name[el]=Σάρωση για ιούς με το ClamTK Name[nl]=Scannen op virussen met ClamTK Icon=clamav Exec=clamtk "%u"
10 Haven't seen ClamAV in like 10 years or so. Good work