PlagueSur icon theme [Largest human-interface icon pack]

Full Icon Themes apple dark ios macos whitesur

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

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# PlagueSur icon theme

Disclaimer: **my work is based on the other nice people's work**. Sorry if my comparisons with other icon-packs looks disrespectful, I really apreciate the contribution of every creator out there.
Let's make our desktops prettier!

Transform your Linux desktop into a sleek and modern interface reminiscent of iOS or Android with the PlagueSur Icon Pack. My goal is simple: to provide users with a visually stunning and intuitive icon set that enhances usability and aesthetics across all Linux desktop environments.

**What is my goal**

I want to bring iOS or Android like experience in desktop icons at any Linux DE.

### Key principles:
- **Distinctive and Contrasting:** Each icon is crafted with easy recognition and contrast in mind.
- **Optimized for Any Resolution:** From high-density displays to standard resolutions, the icons maintain their clarity and crispness across various screen sizes.
- **Expressive and Minimalistic:** Balance between expressiveness and minimalism, eliminating clutter and enhancing focus.
- **Aesthetically-Balanced:** The icon pack is designed to deliver a harmonious and visually pleasing experience, elevating the look and feel of the user's desktop environment.
- **Neutral and Thematically Universal:** No unnecessary embellishments and distracting visuals. The icons maintain a neutral and thematically universal design, suitable for any user preference or desktop theme.

To achieve these effects my icon pack also need to cover as much icons
variations as possible, and sometimes they can be not ideal in realisation.
So I'm open for your contributions, let's make Linux to look consistent and modern!

I am not the fan of big corporations, so i'll prefer to avoid some corporational branding where it is not needed.

I've been also inspired by the Apple's Human interface guidelines.

## Differentiation from Other Icon Packs

- More icons. Some icons were fixed or redrawn completely to fit general style.
- No unnecessary Apple branding. It was replaced with Tux logo.
- More compatibility with dark colour scheme.


## Manual installation from the repo

git clone ~/.local/share/icons/PlagueSur

Then go to the Appearance settings and choose the PlagueSur icon theme. Enjoy!
Last changelog:

0.7.2. Sync with other icon packs. Update places, apps and mimes

- Sync with WhiteSur, BigSur, MacOSBigSur and other icon packs,
- Sync symbolics with WhiteSur,
- Add new app icons,
- Updated folders colours (there is no more additional files colour accents),
- Serious update of mimes icons. The files were cleaned up, drawed new icons.

Ratings & Comments



9 9 excellent


10 Very nice


10 10 the best


10 10 the best Could you make other verions with another color folder...???


Hi! I'll try to finish coloured folders after I'll fix the general folders design and add white theme. If someone want to help me with that, I am open for discussions and PRs on GitHub


9 9 excellent


9 Pretty good icon theme you got here! But as some others have mentioned it would be great if there was a light theme variant. Also I don't know if it would be too much to ask for but could you also make a light theme - dark panel variant? It would be very appreciated.


Hey! Thanks for your comment. I'll see, what I can do to extend the support of light themes, but notice that this project is entirely volunteering, so the speed of this update depend on my resources and your support :)


10 Very nice


could you provide light-icon theme as well? great work!


Yes, I plan to add light version. If someone would like to help me, I am open for contributions at GitHub.


When i install it in KDE it only shows as regular Breeze icons, why could that be?


Hi! Did you change icon theme in your Appearance settings?


yeah, it's just acting as regular breeze, i tried deleting cache and logging out but its the same


what actually worked now was doing git clone directly from gtihub, so no idea :)


Interesting. Don't know what's the matter, no idea


8 8 great


10 I stumbled upon this icon theme by accident and it's slowly growing on me, it looks neat and clean, the new folder icons are nice and it's got a massive library of icons


Loving this icon theme - just noticed that some Mac stuff is still there


Hi! Thanks for your support! Yeah, some Apples can still persist. I'll try to fix it in near updates


8 very nice set


8 8 great. I dont like the icon for qbittorrent since it changes it to the Bittorrent client's logo which i do not like. I REALLY like the new spotify icon and the overall aesthetic of this whole pack even though it is clear that there are some issues such as the icon for kdenlive.


Hi! Thanks for your feedback, i'll look at those apps and maybe redraw something. Yeah, I concentrate more on the general aesthetics and coverage of different apps, mimetypes etc, so at the moment, if you'll look at the nuances (resolutions, coordinates, numbers, colour palette etc), some icons can look a little inconsistent, and it is necessary to unify it all later, but now this is not my priority. Most of the icons took from different packs, but all together they look nice to me. And I want to remind everyone that I am open for your suggestions, feedback and pull requests at GitHub :)


Check out the last update, i.a. the qbittorrent icon was fixed. The kdenlive and other video-related icons will be fixed later and unified.


10 10 the best

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 0.7.2
downloads 24h 9
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 10

Other Full Icon Themes:

Neon Icon By Rock
last update date: 16 years ago

Score 4.3

last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

Kicker Icon
last update date: 17 years ago

Score 5.0

Kicker PurpleLight
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 4.7

Anime Icons Beta
last update date: 18 years ago

Score 5.7

Kicker Bronz
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.