Description: Widget that displays regularly updated text from a web page on your desktop or panel. To select text you want to display, specify a page URL, a CSS text selector, and a refresh interval in widget's settings.
For the widget to work, it needs Python with the Beautiful Soup library. To install it, run a command: Ubuntu/Debian: $ sudo apt install python3-bs4 openSUSE: $ sudo zypper in python3-beautifulsoup4 Arch: $ sudo pacman -S python-beautifulsoup4 Fedora: $ sudo dnf install python-beautifulsoup4
1) Open the page you want to get data from in a browser. 2) Use the page inspector to select the element you want and copy its CSS path. 3) In the widget's settings, enter the page URL and the CSS selector. You can optionally set a title and a custom data refresh interval.
Please note that not all pages can be used. Some important exceptions: • pages that require authorization to access the data (e.g. social networks); • pages that use JavaScript do dynamically load content.
Also note that the selector might break over time as the page changes its structure or the data is moved elsewhere.
8I like this widget very much! Simple to use and just works. I would've rated it 10 if it had an option to set font size and warp longer text to fit in.
Ratings & Comments
8 Work fine, i use it for another project based on color instead of text :
8 I like this widget very much! Simple to use and just works. I would've rated it 10 if it had an option to set font size and warp longer text to fit in.