Exquisite - Window Tiling
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The default shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + D. It can be configured from System Settings > Shortcuts > KWin > Exquisite.
Github repo: https://github.com/qewer33/Exquisite
Exquisite 0.5
- Pressing the ESC key now hides Exquisite
- You can now assign shortcut to individual tiles in a layout. Shortcuts only work when Exquisite is open.
- You can edit the layouts in: ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/exquisite/layouts
- Exquisite now has an option to show the currently active window's title in the header bar, enabled by default
- New "Under Mouse Cursor" option added to Exquisite spawn location options
- This option only works with Plasma releases above 5.27.5
- New "Hide titlebars of tiled windows" option, disabled by default
- New "Tile scale" option to adjust the size of Exquisite's window tiles, 1.3 by default
- New "Gap between tiles" option to adjust the gap between tiled windows and screen edges, 0 by default
- Completely revamped settings dialog
- Now with tabs!
- "Restart KWin" button is now disabled by default
- Removed titlebar "Help" button
- **!!! IMPORTANT !!!**: Layouts are now defined by (`x`, `y`, `width`, `height`) instead of (`row`, `rowSpan`, `column`, `columnSpan`). You will need to port your custom layouts, read below for a quick porting guide:
- `row` -> `y`
- `rowSpan` -> `width`
- `column` -> `x`
- `columnSpan` -> `height`
Bug Fixes:
- Autotiling now only tiles windows on the current screen and current activity
- Fix bug where on certain screen sizes and layouts, windows didn't tile properly and caused windows to visually bug
Ratings & Comments
6 Plasma 6 support?
Shortcut doesn't show up in the kwin shortcuts
Error file not found...
Fixed with the new release, no idea why it disappeared. Probably a Pling issue
10 Thanks! Very usefull script.
I just moved to Debian KDE Plasma as my daily driver -- from Windows 10. I came across Exquisite and I love it. It is exquisite. I had a feature idea I wanted to share. I think it would be swell if pop up window show under/near the mouse. This would help with super ultrawide monitors.
10 10 the best
10 awesome
5 5 average IMO a rather clumbsy thing - given that we can do half/quarter tiling with shortcuts, and use krohnkite to toggle floating or tiling of all the windows.
What most people don't understand when seeing Exquisite is, it's not meant to be a Krohnkite (also Krohnkite is unmaintained, use Bismuth) alternative. Exquisite is more of a GUI utility to add simple windows placement functionality to the daily usage of floating windows. Definitely not for generic tiling use case.
9 9 excellent