Better Application Dashboard [Improved fork of Kicker Dash]

Plasma 5 Menus appmenu dashboard launcher menu startmenu

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This is an improved fork of KDE Plasma's Kicker Dash Application Dashboard which is a fullscreen application launcher. The design is simplified while improving search features and customizability.

Powerful Plasma Search
The search bar uses `Plasma Search`, which is the same search provider used in Krunner, Kickoff Application Launcher and the Overview effect which supports powerful search plugins and providers.

NOTE: The initial codebase was copied from Kicker Dash which can be found in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickerdash/, on every Linux system that has KDE Plasma installed.

Ratings & Comments



any chance for it to be ported to plasma 6? the default kickerdash does not make any sense with the favorites having a small section.


9 Nice dashboard. I was using the "stupid simple launcher" but I think I will switch to this one because it is set perfectly out of the box. In particular it works really well with my setup: one widescreen monitor and one vertical one. The padding on the widescreen is big and keeps the icons in the center of the widescreen (while the other launcher used the whole screen making me look for the icon left to right, sometimes you don't want to use the whole screen). The vertical screen instead is very narrow but the padding is very small and so the space is well used (with the other launcher icons and list got over each other) One change I would do is to have the power/session buttons at the bottom of the dashboard (at least as an option and at least the most commonly used)


How can I pop it up when I press "supper" key?


9 Hi, first of all thanks for this nice dashboard. I have been using it since months. Yesterday i dumped on Kubuntu 22.04lts and tried to install this widget again. Sadly I have this error : file:///home/user/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.betterkicker/contents/ui/main.qml:58:9: Type MenuRepresentation unavailable file:///home/user/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.betterkicker/contents/ui/MenuRepresentation.qml:224:5: PlasmaExtras.SearchField is not a type I installed plasma-widgets-addons and plasma-framework, which i saw could cause this problem, but I still have it. Maybe you have some idea on the problem. specs : Kde Plasma 5.24.4 Kde Frameworks 5.92.0 Qt version 5.15.3 Os : Kubuntu 22.04


5 5 average


Sorry, but will you bother to mention why you think its not better.


"Better" should be left to the users to tell.

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 2.3
downloads 24h 24
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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