A modified version of the original Better Quick Tiles. Changes: 1) prevent resizing special windows2) full center window is also maximized3) resizing maximized windows also unmaximize them
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10 Hi, thanks for maintaining this improved version of the script. I am testing plasma 5.26 and it seems that this fork and the original version of the extension do not work at all.
Could you please try to launch kwin_x11 --replace and show me the console output? Perhaps the script simply stopped loading.
ops, wrong link https://0.0g.gg/?5da3a7697637fd98#9wg3xtd9BowBNKMrKn6AkKhoJmtficdMSN39eW4x4t1Y
Eh, nothing wrong here. Can you see even better quick tiles in Kwin global shortcuts?
For your extension there really is no shortcut registered. But Better Quick Tiles has all shortcuts registered, but still none work
Right, so this clearly shows that I messed something up. I will try to figure this out on my own.
Sorry, I can't replicate the problem you have. What exact OS do you use? Maybe I can install it on VM and test there?