Description: A theme for KDE Plasma desktop environment with transparency, blur and rounded cornerts for UI elements that can follow any color scheme.
Key features: * Rounded corners for all widget elements * Follows any color scheme and hence is usable with any Global Themes * Material You clock widget * Supports transparency: Go to `System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects` and enable `Blur`, `Background Contrast` and `Tranlucency` for best result.
Transparency on the panels and widgets doesn't work. And yes I've enabled blur, background contrast, and transparency in "Desktop Effects." Other Plasma themes work fine, this is the only one it doesn't work in.
8Great... but... is it possible add a border (with accent color?) for expanded applet?
On full opaque windows the menus and all plasmoids are not so good to view.
I have a question about the size of notification windows. Is it normal for the button to go outside the dialog box?
Here is a screenshot:
the most recent update broke it for me, its like 95% opaque and i can barely see through it. If this was intented, can you please share a download link to version 1.1 please :)
Ratings & Comments
Transparency on the panels and widgets doesn't work. And yes I've enabled blur, background contrast, and transparency in "Desktop Effects." Other Plasma themes work fine, this is the only one it doesn't work in.
I made some edits to some of the svgs and it is now working as expected.
8 Great... but... is it possible add a border (with accent color?) for expanded applet? On full opaque windows the menus and all plasmoids are not so good to view.
I've already Blur and Background Contrast enable.
8 8 great
9 Hello, I have a question about the size of notification windows. Is it normal for the button to go outside the dialog box? Here is a screenshot:
the most recent update broke it for me, its like 95% opaque and i can barely see through it. If this was intented, can you please share a download link to version 1.1 please :)
Do you have "Blur" and "Background Contrast" enabled in "System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects".