Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Script for snapping windows into zones. Handy when using a (super) ultrawide monitor, an alternative to PowerToys FancyZones and Windows 11 snap layouts.
Requires KDE Plasma 6 or higher. If you are running Plasma 5 use https://store.kde.org/p/2143914 instead.
Please refer to the GitHub page for more info: https://github.com/gerritdevriese/kzones Last changelog:
Requires KDE Plasma 6 or higher. If you are running Plasma 5 use https://store.kde.org/p/2143914 instead.
Please refer to the GitHub page for more info: https://github.com/gerritdevriese/kzones
KZones v0.9
- Track active layout per screen
- Option to disable OSD messages
- Fixed crash on Wayland when using the new auto snap feature
- Fixed windows not unsnapping under the cursor in certain situations
Version compatibility
- Plasma 6 or higher
Ratings & Comments
This is amazingly useful, the only thing that would make it even better is ability to save layout per desktop and activity, maybe also customizable size of the popup though the default seems completely fine.
9 Love it! Super easy to customize with lots of different behaviors. Work with KDE 6 and Wayland! Personally I only rarely use it on a 16:9, 27", 1080p monitor as on that resolution it's better to use META Arrow keys BUT on any other higher aspect ratio I'd 100% use it. Here's a small list of improvements I'd recommend: * Hot load the changes to the effect (let's say layouts), rather than having to disable/enable it (this is such a small nitpick, it doesn't even matter) * Allow setting zones per-monitor - Maybe a dropdown for: `All`, `Monitor Name 1`, `Monitor Name 2` - Have a checkbox for overriding the default on every dropdown option except for All
10 KZones is simply fantastic! This script for KWin is truly an indispensable tool for anyone. It allows you to organise your windows in such an efficient and practical way, it's truly a marvel! The ability to divide the screen into customisable zones and move windows into them with ease is something that makes productivity and use of screen space so much easier.
10 This is fantastic! I had a few Bash scripts to start a few windows in a useful places. That worked mostly fine (I just had to re-run it whenever I accidentally moved windows). With Plasma moving to Wayland, my scripts stopped working and I was trying to find a solution when I found your script. My idea was to understand how it works, and replicate that to my own bash scripts, but no, no, no, no. I'm using yours! It's really good! :) Your script (obviously) wont automatically place the windows in the right place when I run them (that would be extremely helpful to me, but I know I'm alone on this one, because the "window rules" doesn't work for my case), as my old scripts, but I expect to get used to do that quickly. Thank you!
10 Great! Thanks for your work
10 Can't wait to install it!
10 This is hands down my favorite script on KDE in regards to managing my work flow on my 3440x1440p monitor. It's truly become an essential part of my builds. I had an issue a while back that I couldn't understand; and the developer was quit to respond with an explanation and provided a resolution to the issue (which was quite simple, and merely user error on my part). Active, friendly development! THANK YOU for your hard work.
10 Very useful Like it
Very nice, but it would be nice if the zone layout would be tied to the virtual desktop number and activity.
I was wondering if there are plans to add mouse support for WayLand? Right now it says it's not supported?
Hi, the latest version should fix these issues.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
I was able to customized the settings to fit my work flow. I have 8 snapping windows on a 49 inch monitor. Very useful script
9 9 excellent Way to go! Keep on the good work ; )
I am on Manjaor KDE. I installed this and now my KDE does not allow me to login !! It hangs during login. I had to log in as a different user to send this message. What I did to recover: 1. Logged in as a different user 2. "su -l" to my account in a terminal, 3. Deleted ".local/share/kwin/scripts/kzones" 4. [kc@kc-manjaro ~]$ rm .local/share/knewstuff3/kwinscripts.knsregistry Tried loggin in. Still hangs. I have to Ctrl Alt Backspace and login as a different user. I invoked systemsettings GUI just in case: su -l kc export $(dbus-launch) systemsettings Still no luck. Just unable to login. Any ideas on how I can log into my account.
i really like it, but when compositor is off it seems broken. I wonder if this is the case for others as well?
Hi, the compositor needs to be enabled for KZones to work right.
10 Amazing. Just what I needed. Thank you!
10 Super well done. Endless possibilities with the creation of layouts through json. Even the debug mode deserves praise. This is a good alternative to tiling scripts, but with the added benefit of being more intuitive. Thank you for such master piece!
10 More productive than most tiling setups. Responsive developer. Please support this script so more people will know about it.
I just switched to a KDE Plasma-based distro this week from a stint of Windows, during which time my productivity became dependent on PowerToys FancyZones organizing my windows. I have a 43:18 (basically 21:9) ultrawide monitor, and no OS comes with a stock snapping feature that makes full use of my ultrawide monitor. After some research into my options on KDE Plasma over the last few days, I learned that my only options were either KWin scripts for dynamic tiling or hotkey-based manual window placement. Both of these solutions are satisfactory in terms of recovering my workflow. Today, I happened to check the KDE store again, looking for a KWin script to solve a different problem. I cannot describe how happy I was when I stumbled upon this brand-new script that claimed to emulate FancyZones's window-dragging to a custom tile position. Talk about serendipity. And I do mean literally brand-new; I was positive I hadn't seen KZones in my thorough search yesterday. I checked the GitHub to see when it was posted...just 2 hours ago! After trying KZones
Since my other comment apparently got cut off due to length, here is the next bits: After trying KZones
10 I just switched to a KDE Plasma-based distro this week from a stint of Windows, during which time my productivity became dependent on PowerToys FancyZones organizing my windows. I have a 43:18 (basically 21:9) ultrawide monitor, and no OS comes with a stock snapping feature that makes full use of my ultrawide monitor. After some research into my options on KDE Plasma over the last few days, I learned that my only options were either KWin scripts for dynamic tiling or hotkey-based manual window placement. Both of these solutions are satisfactory in terms of recovering my workflow. Today, I happened to check the KDE store again, looking for a KWin script to solve a different problem. I cannot describe how happy I was when I stumbled upon this brand-new script that claimed to emulate FancyZones's window-dragging to a custom tile position. Talk about serendipity. And I do mean literally brand-new; I was positive I hadn't seen KZones in my thorough search yesterday. I checked the GitHub to see when it was posted...just 2 hours ago! After trying KZones