How to install:
===> 1. Arch Linux (AUR)
If you're on Arch Linux, You can simply install the package from the AUR, Feel free to use your favorite AUR Helper!
- paru -S plank-theme-arian-git
- yay -S plank-theme-arian-git
===> 2. Other distributions / Manually :
* 2.1. using Git
- git clone https://github.com/ryanhosseini/arian-plank-theme.git
- cd arian-plank-theme/
- sh install.sh
* 2.2. using the source
- If you want to install themes for Plank Dock manually, You can easily download the attached file (arian-plank-theme.zip), extract it, and then copy both `Arian Theme` folders and
paste them into `~/.local/share/plank/themes`.
That's it, You made it!
Don't forget to rate and share your comments!
Plank Dock Theme - Plank Theme
Ratings & Comments
9 Nice theme bro..
Thanks, man! I'm glad you liked it.
Nice job! What's the name of that icon pack?
Reminds me of La Capitaine. Most probably based on it.
Yeah, that's right! It's La Capitaine.
Seems abandoned since two years though. No updates on github either.
10 10 the best one!
Thanks a lot! I'm working on publishing it in the AUR right now.
Download doesn't work.
I checked it out, It's working! Try it again :)