by blue-dxca93 [https://www.pling.com/u/blue-dxca93]
Thanks a lot to that dude, he's produced really cool stuff! :-)
List of my changes:
1) Selected background color changed from #000080 to original #0A246A ( GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon )
2) Tooltip background color changed from transparent black to opaque #FFFFE2 ( GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon )
3) Menus and submenus, all panel buttons, calendar and systray ( Cinnamon )
4) Corners of window preview thumbnails ( Cinnamon )
5) Skins fof vertical panels, workspace switcher and panel separators ( Cinnamon )
6) Parasite icon theme for fixing window caption ( WM )
7) XFCE related stuff was removed 'cause I didn't change authors work

9) Fixed *Window-list applets behavior and tiny cosmetic enhancments in beta 2
How to use:
Extract Windoze-0.0-Cinnamon-Theme-beta2.tar.gz to ~/.themes
Extract Windoze-0.0-Parasite-Icon-Theme.tar.gz to ~/.icons
And then edit 'Inherits=...' string of its 'index.theme' file to specify which full icon set to be parasited.
Known bugs and workarounds:
PROBLEM: Some icons break panel appearanse when not scaled automatically.
SOLUTION: Change panel size forth and back to fix it.
BTW, '0.0' doesn't mean version number. It isn't 'zero-point-zero' but it's a JAPANESE SMILE of amazed Tux!
Ratings & Comments
10 Крутяк! Для синьки то, что надо)
memories memories...
9 nice theme
9 9 excellent
10 Can you please send me the patches for the window patch, if you don`t have time i`ll look at it myself soon. Currently im suffering from corona,
I wish you getting well soon and full rehabilitation. There's no patch there's tiny parasite titlebar icon theme. This cropped icon theme can be merged or linked manually to any another one with full icon set.
OK, guys, I didn't look at original Windows at all making this theme. Then I'm going to install Windows into WM to see the classics and try fixing something. But just now I have to go to work. See you at weekend if the gods wish )
That sounds good. Looking forward to the updates.
10 Love it! Thanks for the window button fix, too. Quick question: How can you move the Titlebar text to the left in Cinnamon?
IDK about HowTo, however I think it's posible. GNOME-style apps treat window caption as toolbar and may place default black text above. Moving this text to left would make it unreadable. But i'll promice to try.
Thanks for looking into it when you can. I hope it works. :-)
I'm so sorry... Either I'm pretty dumb, or text position isn't customizable, or there's applied default value that is not specified anywhere. Even deleting of './metacity-1' folder doesn't affect anything! :-( Then I guess that WM imports everything from GTK themes.
10 Best of its kind. However, I would suggest not to use pressed button for hover on window-list items. Either use the standard (unpressed) button or make it a bit brighter, so that it feels like it's highlighted. IIRC the original Windows didn't do anything on hover. But, when deviating from that, I feel that highlighting the button that's being hovered on is much less confusing.
Looking at images for the start button for Win98, it doesn't look like there's a difference between the un-selected and the hovered button. But maybe having it a little lighter like @moloch1994 suggested is a good idea.
I don't think you understood me. I wasn't talking about the start button, I was talking about practically all buttons on the panel. When you hover them, they appear pressed. I don't think Windows 98 (or 95 or NT 03) had such a visual on hover. I might be wrong, but it looks pretty weird to me.
You're right. I didn't understand. :-) Sorry about that.
Just watched a YouTube video about Win98, and you're right. When hovering over an icon in the panel, it is raised up just a little bit and when pressed it is recessed. Good catch!
FIXED!!! :-)