Description: Bright AppearEd is based on Bright theme which I found some time ago as one of themes being typically a part of standard system provided package, it looked fine but a bit untrendy and old so it could've been made better, and it can now remind some of you other technology (the result is retromodern look that's sort of intended) =) Know that it's only Metacity theme, please.
The font used is Noto Sans Bold, size 10, you need bright theme background, theme in preview here has #9a9a9a. 3 versions are available. It's a bit tried although not all possibilities, it should be ok. You usually use it with Cinnamon DE. Bright AppearEd could handle 2x HiDPI.
Don't be shy, don't you cry, feel free to give it a try, hesitation isn't good for you when it comes to that type of goodies, trust me, there should be no harm in that unless you are a hermit, in which case you probably wouldn't need computer either lol. I believe it's quite easy to download it and to do something with that, after all what have you got to lose?
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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you voted out of favour because you had a bad day or acted upon feeling like a spoiled toddler, be aware that I consider it as indeed very immature and silly. On contrary, if you liked what you got, definitely feel free to vote + and possibly point others to the product site, you will actually do well if you do this, unlike most who in fact can't do anything else than express negativity because they think it matters.
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