Description: This widget shows text from any online/offline source, and refreshes when clicked. It supports plain and Markdown text, and can switch between displaying normally (as a widget) and as one line (as a panel item). Settings:
Whether to use a local file as the source: when checked, a "Choose" button would allow you to choose local files.
Text type: choose between plain and Markdown text.
Font size
Show text as one line: if checked, the loaded text would ignore newlines and render everything as one line.
Prevent text overflowing and making the widget size unmanageable
Last changelog:
0.2.2: Context menu improvements
Added an option in the right-click context menu to edit the file in a text editor or open the URL in a browser, depending on the selected content.
9It does what it says and works well.
There is something that feels like it could be improved, but OTOH I can’t put my finger on it what. I’ll write another comment or issue, if I can figure out what it is that bugs me.
It seems like there was a problem with Pling servers. I tried it today (2023-05-18) and successfully downloaded. Meanwhile if the servers go down again, here's a backup link for 0.2.1:
Ratings & Comments
Does not work anymore with KDE 6
Yeah, I'll need to set up a virtual machine to port it, since my distro still offers KDE 5 only. I'll do it when I have time.
9 It does what it says and works well. There is something that feels like it could be improved, but OTOH I can’t put my finger on it what. I’ll write another comment or issue, if I can figure out what it is that bugs me.
The download/install link seems to be broken.
It seems like there was a problem with Pling servers. I tried it today (2023-05-18) and successfully downloaded. Meanwhile if the servers go down again, here's a backup link for 0.2.1:
Thanks. It works now.