Description: This kdenlive project (downloadable as an archive) creates a 7.5s long sequence of four Polaroid images dropping down on a background. It was inspired by Simon Stansfield who does very creative work with Davinci Resolve.
Polaroid Frame is built as a title clip out of 4 box shapes aligned to create the iconic Polaroid shape. The dimensions are not the original ones but they worked for me. Alternatively, one could use another (stock) image of a polaroid with alpha and then composite the images.
Download the archive file and extract to your project folder. Replace the placeholder images with your images (right-click on image in project bin, select Replace Image, and select your own image). Adjust scaling and cropping accordingly.
The effect stack for the images consists of two blocks: Transform and Edge Crop, and Transform and Box Blur. The first block sizes and crops the image to fit the Polaroid frame. The second is a copy of the Transform and Box Blur efefct settings from the Polaroid frame (title) clip. When the path, rotation, size etc. for a Polaroid needs to be adjusted, the second block should be deleted and then the effects from the Polaroid animation copied and pasted to the image clip.
The effect stack for the Polaroid Frame clip controls the path and animation and the change in blur amount (supposed to simulate motion blur or depth of field). In order to achieve multiple rotations keyframes need to be right next to each other to go from 360 to 0/5/15. Once the path and rotation of the frame clip has been defined the effect stack needs to be copied to the respective image clip.
Ratings & Comments
10 Ottima idea! Funziona benissimo. Veramente funzionale e gradevole.
Grazie mille!