Utterly Nord Light Solid for Plasma 5

Global Themes (Plasma 5)

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A Solid Light Global theme for Plasma 5 with transparency, blur, rounded edges for UI elements, Tela Circle Nord icons, Nord Color Palette and inspired wallpaper and a reasonable desktop layout with a top panel, dock and a Material You clock widget.

Click here for plasma 6

ATTENTION: Installing this Global Theme Package will automatically install all its dependencies except the Utterly Nord Light Solid Konsole Color Scheme, Utterly Nord Light Solid Kvantum Theme, Tela Circle Nord Icons and libraries of Window Buttons Applet. Complete the following steps:

* Please install the Utterly Nord Light Solid Konsole Color Scheme by opening Konsole and going to "Settings > Edit Current Profile... > Appearance > Get New..." and searching for "Utterly Nord Light Solid".

* Please use Utterly Nord Light Solid Kvantum theme in Kvantum. Follow these instructions to install.

* Please install the Tela Circle Nord Icons from its link given in the components list below.

* Please install prebuilt libraries of Window Buttons Applet by following the instructions here.

* Correctly apply the Utterly Nord SDDM Theme by following the instructions here.

Key features:

* Window decoration blends with Window background when appropriate Kvantum theme and Konsole Color Scheme is used
* Rounded edges for all UI elements
* MacOS inspired desktop layout with a dock and a top panel that contains window buttons, global menu, NetSpeed Widget and more
* Simple Application Launcher in top panel and Better Application Dashboard in dock
* Light Nord Palette color scheme, wallpaper and Konsole color scheme
* Material You clock widget

Run the following commands to hide Borders and Titlebars for maximized windows:

kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure

* Utterly Round Solid Plasma Style
* Utterly Nord Light Color Scheme
* Utterly Round Light Solid Window Decoration
* Tela Circle Nord Icons (Choose the Nord Variant while installing)
* Simple Application Launcher
* Window Buttons Applet Prebuilt
* Window Title Applet
* Better Application Dashboard
* NetSpeed Widget
* Utterly Nord SDDM
* Utterly Nord Wallpaper
* Nordic cursors
* Utterly Nord Light Solid Konsole Color Scheme
* Utterly Nord Light Solid Kvantum theme

* NeoFetch theme in Screenshots: Acenoster Fetch (Save this file as "~/.config/neofetch/config.conf")
* oh-my-zsh theme in Screenshots: Acenoster ZSH Theme

Ratings & Comments



10 That's gorgeous and useful. It blends into latest KDE5 seamlessly. Good job!


10 Really nice theme! I'd love to see a matching GTK3/4 theme to go with this. I'm currently using Adapta-FrostBlue4, but the black header/title bar doesn't really fit this theme. Very happy with this Global Theme, though. Very easy on the eyes.

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 2.1
downloads 24h 7
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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Global Themes

Global Themes in Plasma are Meta- or Super-Themes, capable of changing multiple aspects of the desktop environment at once, like Window Decoration, Plasma Theme, Color Scheme, Icon Theme etc. In addition, one can define the complete Layout, like what panel to use where, the menu type used and much more.

An example Global Theme:

For more info how to create Global themes click here:
https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Create_a_Global Theme_Package

Or watch this video: