Description: Use this effect to create that deep-fried magnify distortion meme effect!
To use it, simply download the XML file and save them to the effects folder.
For Windows users: Instead of downloading custom effects inside the app, download them from the KDE store, and save them to the AppData Roaming folder. You can quickly access this folder by opening the Run application and entering `%AppData%/kdenlive/effects`
In Windows, if you download effects directly from the Custom Effects window, it'll be mistakenly saved to `C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\kdenlive\effect-templates`. However, custom effects should be saved to `C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\kdenlive\effects`, per the Kdenlive manual:
Ratings & Comments
Great effect! This effect took consideration into memes that match the magnify distortion for clips.
9 Great effect! And good instructions for Windows users ;-)
Thank you!