1.- Extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. ~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ (create it if necessary).
2.- To set the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Andromeda
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme Andromeda
or Change via distribution specific tweaktool.
Bugs and Issues :
If you find a bug, please report it to the github issue tracker:
Andromeda issues
Ratings & Comments
Hola amigo, felicidades es un tema precioso. Pero tengo una duda, al activar el tema, me desaparece la imagen de fondo y se me queda con el fondo oscuro y por mucho que selecciono una imagen, se sigue quedando oscuro, pero solo me pasa al aplicar el tema, uso gnome. Alguna sugerencia???
Hola, disculpa la respuesta tardia, si aun presentas este problema seria de gran ayuda si pudieras abrir un issue en github para darle un mejor seguimiento
This isn't bad but you can do this with Gradiance using libawaita and it looks better. Pretty much any color you want.
Love the theme, but cant use it because the close, minimize and maximize buttons doesn't work on gtk 4 apps, eg file manager
Hi, ! it's recommended to use this script to make the process easier for gtk4(libadwaita) =>
10 Very beautifull and elegant. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much for your support! :)
Thankyou. Nice theme
Thank you so much for your support! :)
Standard buttons does not work in gtk3. Instead of standard buttons, colored buttons turn on. Libadwaita and gtk2 work well with standard buttons.
Thank you so much for reporting! I've fixed that :)
Does it work with libadwaita applications?
Yes it works! it's recommended to use this script to make the process easier =>
Love this theme! One question. While I do have the Deepin icons so my dash bar looks like yours I don't have your snazzy folder icons you have showing in nautilus. How can I get that?
You can get them here :) =>
Thanks for these beautiful folder icons!
10 10 the best
Thank you so much for your support! :)
9 I like it very much
Thank you so much for your support! :)
9 Overall theme looks great on Ubuntu GNOME, loved it! for some reason the Andromeda icons are don't seem applied, can you please guide me through :)
Thanks for your support! :) The showed icons are these =>
10 Very nice theme. @eliverlara Which also very nice icon theme did you use for the screenshots?
Thanks for your support! :) The showed icons are these =>
10 FYI- To get this work with libadwaita apps: copy the "assets" and "gtk-4.0" directories to your local .config directory.