Description: Minimalist Conky theme showing current weather and 3-day forecast. It uses only ansiweather to get and show weather and symbols. No external icons or images are used in order to keep it simple. WONKY executes ansiweather and formats the output n order to show it in your desktop in a more elegant way. You don't need to execute ansiweather manually. The script does it for you! You can find WONKY's config file at ~/.conky/WONKY/ Edit WONKY.conf to use information from your current location and to localize the output. Please refer to Conky's documentation if you need to learn about how to configure Conky and its themes.
WONKY is a single file theme. WONKY requires ansiweather
If WONKY shows something like "cannot fetch weather data", it means your connection is unstable or not working, thus ansiweather can't fetch the information. Please check your internet connection.
INSTALLATION: ============ -Unzip the file -If your archive extraction program does not keep folder structure, create a folder called /WONKY/ in ~/.conky/ and copy/extract the file there. (if you don't see a .conky folder, then enable the option to show hidden files and folders in your file manager)
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