Universal Flashable Zip Template
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Enjoy Your Life!!!
Tested on TWTP 3.7 A12
old files we remove,
new version with new features
and fix some problem.
How to use:
* Extract Universal-Flashable-Plus-ThRE-4twrp.zip
* Open ThRE.prop n modify this line
for_arm=aarch64 > change to your arch
for_sdk=33 > change to your sdk
for_android=13.0.0 > change android version
Create Flashable Zip:
* Unzip this template file
* Copy your file into template
* Create zip
* Flash via twrp
Push file from Internal to System:
* Create folder .Root on Internal memory
/sdcard/.Root or
* Create folder system on /sdcard/.Root
/sdcard/.Root/system or
* Copying your file into /sdcard/.Root/system
* Goto twrp n flash Universal-Flashable-PlusSD1-ThRE-4twrp.zip
* Taraaaaa,
Push file from External memory to System:
* Create folder .Root on External memory
/sdcard1/.Root or
* Create folder system on /sdcard1/.Root
/sdcard1/.Root/system or
* Copying your file into /sdcard1/.Root/system
* Goto twrp n flash Universal-Flashable-PlusSD1-ThRE-4twrp.zip
* Taraaaaa,
* addon.d only support file inside
* addon.d not create for push file from sdcard
* Support on dynamic rom
* Support push file to system partition
* Support push file to vendor partition
* Support push file to system_ext partition
* Support push file to product partition
* Support push file to odm partition
* Support push file to data partition
* Support push from Internal Memory into system partition
* Support push from Internal Memory into data partition
* Support android 9-13 (and/or UpsideDownCake)
* Change directory Push file to /sdcard/.Root
* Add directory Push file from /sdcard1/.Root
* Support push from /sdcard/.Root/system/*
* Support push from /sdcard/.Root/data/*
* Support push from /sdcard1/.Root/system/*
* Support push from /sdcard1/.Root/data/*
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