Mondrian and diting supported need test on more GKI 2.0 KMI 9 devices
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Upstream to 5.10.210
-PCI: dwc: Fix a 64bit bug in dw_pcie_ep_raise_msix_irq()
- drm/msm/dsi: Enable runtime PM
- BACKPORT: erofs: fix lz4 inplace decompression
- schedutil : cap iowait boost by uclamp_max
- Selinux: Fix Android specific configs handling in policydb_write()
- zstd: Upgrade to latest upstream zstd version v1.5.6
- Merge tag 'KERNEL.PLATFORM.1.0.r1-17600-kernel.0'
- Update RSA to 4096
- Ksu 0.9.4
- msm: ADSPRPC: Add non-NULL check for fastrpc file before accessing
- adsprpc: Enabling the hibernation support
- pci: msm: Fix for PCIe suspend/resume
- pci: msm: using i2c client "of_node" to read pcieX_i2c_ctrl properties
- pci: msm: support of qps615 bridge for different PCIe instances
- pci: msm: Extend sleep time when reset i2c client
- pci: msm: Add API to control pcie link state of NTN3 downstream port
- msm: kgsl: Clear fault while booting GMU
- pci: msm: Bringing EP out of reset prior link up
- msm: kgsl: Hold fault lock while accessing context faults
- and more
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Sir, can fix slow turn on screen when click power button and delay FOD in diting