If necessary I will change the category, no problem, however can you please inform me of the characteristics that a wallpaper must meet to be considered exclusive to be used in kde plasma, This wallpaper uses the structure of the kde plasma wallpapers, and has a metadata file compatible with kde plasma
I understand, I see that you have already changed the category, however I do not agree, since the wallpaper was published with the purpose of being used in the KDE wallpaper store, I will still follow the rules that you have established, But I'll let my comment function as a peaceful protest to this decision.
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The Plasma Wallpapers category is for wallpapers that are KDE/Plasma specific, please place your wallpapers into the correct categories.
If necessary I will change the category, no problem, however can you please inform me of the characteristics that a wallpaper must meet to be considered exclusive to be used in kde plasma, This wallpaper uses the structure of the kde plasma wallpapers, and has a metadata file compatible with kde plasma
It must have some relevance to KDE Plasma. This is just an image of a fox, so this should go in the Nature category.
I understand, I see that you have already changed the category, however I do not agree, since the wallpaper was published with the purpose of being used in the KDE wallpaper store, I will still follow the rules that you have established, But I'll let my comment function as a peaceful protest to this decision.