Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A theme inspired by the default windows 11 dark theme without transparency / blur
Based on sombre-et-rond lxqt theme and dark lxqt theme https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-themes/tree/master/themes/dark
Icons from https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons under MIT licence
-You can download the theme folder from this page and extract it into /usr/share/lxqt/themes or ~/.local/share/lxqt/themes
-In order to have the transparency, rounded corner etc... you must use breeze, kvantum or oxygene as qt theme as explained in the lxqt wiki.
-You should also disable shadow for menus in kvantum (if you use kvantum) to avoid shadow being displayed around widgets.
-By default the icons in the panel will be very litle, to get a better look you can increase the dashboard height and icon size (right click on the dashboard -> configure -> size and icon size) depending of the resolution of your monitor. For example in this screenshot the dashboard height is 60px and the icons are 32px on a 1080p screen
the public key used to sign the file can be found here : https://gitlab.com/Bapt17/lxqt-themes/-/blob/main/gpg/public.key
Based on sombre-et-rond lxqt theme and dark lxqt theme https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-themes/tree/master/themes/dark
Icons from https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons under MIT licence
-You can download the theme folder from this page and extract it into /usr/share/lxqt/themes or ~/.local/share/lxqt/themes
-In order to have the transparency, rounded corner etc... you must use breeze, kvantum or oxygene as qt theme as explained in the lxqt wiki.
-You should also disable shadow for menus in kvantum (if you use kvantum) to avoid shadow being displayed around widgets.
-By default the icons in the panel will be very litle, to get a better look you can increase the dashboard height and icon size (right click on the dashboard -> configure -> size and icon size) depending of the resolution of your monitor. For example in this screenshot the dashboard height is 60px and the icons are 32px on a 1080p screen
the public key used to sign the file can be found here : https://gitlab.com/Bapt17/lxqt-themes/-/blob/main/gpg/public.key
Ratings & Comments
really like this.quick qus. why i am getting black square boarder in lubuntu?what destro you are using.
I'm on archlinux with kwin as wm, I also tried on lubuntu with openbox as wm and picom as compositor. Maybe I'm wrong but your problem look like you have not enabled the compositor (picom on lubuntu) that allow transparency and rounded corners, also you must use breeze, kvantum or oxygene as qt theme as explained in the lxqt wiki