> Read the doc here: https://github.com/bouteillerAlan/blurredwallpaper
> The plasma 5 version is here: https://www.pling.com/p/2017888/
> Support my work: https://github.com/sponsors/bouteillerAlan or https://ko-fi.com/a2n00
> Give a star on github: https://github.com/bouteillerAlan/blurredwallpaper
> Add a rating and a comment on Pling
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> Or just participate to the developement

Thanks !
Ratings & Comments
10 thank you! works very good
9 Nice! Though it crashes when trying to add a directory with 5k pictures in the slideshow mode. I made it somehow. 😱
Hello, I use the KDE code for image import :/ does the problem exist with the basic plugin? (image and/or slideshow)
Duh. The simple Slideshow freezes as well. 🤣
Ok, so it's a problem they have to solve 😅 if you want you can create a bug ticket here: https://bugs.kde.org/ or via Reddit :)
10 Incredible work, truly made my experience a lot better on KDE
Hi, thanks :)
10 My developer friend, how are you? Face! How I wish I could use your Wallpaper Add-on! But unfortunately it is broken. The slideshow mode doesn't work. But I think it's my favorite, after the ones that use animated roles. I'll be waiting to fix this problem.
Hello, what kind of problem do you have ? You can report it in there if you want : https://github.com/bouteillerAlan/blurredwallpaper/issues/new/choose At the moment you have to save and reopen the window when changing between "slideshow" and "image", I'm on the problem.