- Add/delete/edit stations in the list
- Search for radio stations
Requirements (for v3):
- Plasma >= 6.0
- Qt >= 6.6
- Radio Browser (API for search stations)
If you want to help with the translation of the plasmoid into your language, write to me on dr@i-glu4it.ru
Ratings & Comments
10 Hi, thank you very much for this plugin, I like it a lot and use it almost daily. I have one problem with the newest update though. i tried updating to get the song recognition feature, however now the plugin just says "check internet connection..." under the list of stations and I'm unable to play anything. My internet connection is of course working and I can see a list of stations in the search section of plugins configuration, even play them from there. Do you have any idea how to fix this? One of the comments here suggested `sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf` but creating this file didnt help.
I tried looking at the code, I'm not familiar with QML at all, but I tried to replace `enabled: isConnected` in the contentItem ListView in FullRepresentation.qml with `enabled: true // isConnected` and now I'm able to listen to the radio stations. Not sure if this helps in any way.
Where is the source code for the v3? The previous repository (https://invent.kde.org/saurov/arp) only have v2 sources. Also, using (K)Ubuntu 24.10, the following error occur: module "QtNetwork" is not installed
10 Super widget!!! Highly recommended!!! Should be installed by default in all distributions with KDE.
10 Like the version for Plasma 5, this continues to be the most fancy widget!
I installed pure Kubuntu 24.10, it meets the Plasma and Qt requirements from the description of this widget. But when adding a widget to the panel, I get this text instead of the widget: file:///home/kot/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.advancedradio/contents/ui/main.qml:3:1: module "QtNetwork" is not installed I don’t know what to do next and what needs to be installed.
Hello, after the 3.1 update, the icon problem is not fixed for me. I'm using papirus icon theme, arch linux, plasma 6.2.5. Cheers
Good afternoon. I will try to test the widget specifically with Papirus and let you know.
UPD: Please delete and readd the widget again (don't forget to save your stations first) - the problem should be solved.
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I had already tried this. Also I uninstalled the plasmoid and reinstalled it, reinstalled papirus offcial repo in extra. Is it possible the issue could be on Papirus ? I opened the issue here a few months ago : https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/issues/3812
I made a reply on your github issue https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/issues/3812#issuecomment-2633581226 Maybe @driglu4it will have time to take a look too.
Your solution worked. Thanks !
Radio Player wont play anything. It shows only the Bitrate. Ubuntu 24.04 with Plasma 6
If you are using bluetooth sound, switch back to integrated sound card, then again to bluetooth without stopping the music
10 Лучший виджет, лучшее радио, давно использую, очень удобный, есть огромное количество радиостанций в поиске, можно создать свой плейлист и экспортировать его для хранения или для другого устройства с kde, единственное, это вид значка на версии под kde6, при включении темной темы, значка не видно совершенно при воспроизведении, надеюсь вернут как это было реализовано в виджете для kde5, спасибо Вам за очень крутой виджет, радио с ним слушать гораздо удобнее.
Thanks for your feedback!
Спасибо за обновление! Значок теперь отображается нормально. В магазине правда у меня так и не было обновления, установил вручную. Спасибо огромное! А распознавание песни как работает? Просто я и на 5й плазме его не видел в виджете.
Некоторые станции прямо в потоке имеют несколько байт информации о воспроизводимом треке (и иногда обложке альбома). Скрипт извлекает эти данные (если возможно) и отображает в плазмоиде.
Теперь понятно, Спасибо!
Great app! There is only one issue: when a VPN is on, the plasmoid says "check internet connection". Would be great if that could be fixed. Appreciate it.
Good day. I know about this problem. It wil be fixed on next release. Thank's for your feedback.
it worked for me sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf
Hi Darthridar! Thank you so much for this solution - it WORKED!
7 still missing features from the old qt5 version.
Good day. Now I trying to add it back (many changes with Qt6).