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This Plasmoid provides weather forecast on the image of an old barometer. The needle shows the temperature. The image also appears with the current prediction, temperature and other details. It also has an animated anemometer that rotates depending on the wind speed. By clicking on the image of current weather, the information for subsequent days appears and disappears. Likewise, the anemometer can be stopped by clicking on it. Shows the image of the moon with lighting data and others. By clicking with the mouse on different points in the image, these details are shown or hidden.
You can change the temperature units between Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. Also change the font size and color.
# Getting started:
Unzip the file. Look in the unzipped folder the file "". Open the terminal in the folder where the file is located.
Run in terminal "./"
Sometimes when resizing the plasmoid, the characters with the moon data do not appear correctly. Use the "restartplasma" file from the terminal by running "./restartplasma"
The Plasmoid is installed just like the rest. ".local/share/plasma/plasmoids/"

Check that the "" file has been correctly unzipped to the destination path. They are images of phases of the moon. They have been put in a zip because the "opencode,net" server does not support files named with blank spaces.

The Plasmoid is integrated with the rest.

# Description:
Plasmoid for KDE Desktop (Version 1.2). This version fixes some minor bugs that appear on console. Also added a refresher for lunar data.

# Authors and acknowledgment:
Fernando Velez (, but using routines from other authors ( , )

# License:
For open source projects, say how it is licensed

Ratings & Comments

1 Comment


10 Yes! Yes! And thousand times YES!!!! Thank you! It's awesome!

0 Affiliates
license Creative Commons 0 (Public Domain)
version 1.2
downloads 24h 5
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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