You can change the temperature units between Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. Also change the font size and color.
# Getting started:
Unzip the file. Look in the unzipped folder the file "". Open the terminal in the folder where the file is located.
Run in terminal "./"
Sometimes when resizing the plasmoid, the characters with the moon data do not appear correctly. Use the "restartplasma" file from the terminal by running "./restartplasma"
The Plasmoid is installed just like the rest. ".local/share/plasma/plasmoids/"

Check that the "" file has been correctly unzipped to the destination path. They are images of phases of the moon. They have been put in a zip because the "opencode,net" server does not support files named with blank spaces.
The Plasmoid is integrated with the rest.
# Description:
Plasmoid for KDE Desktop (Version 1.2). This version fixes some minor bugs that appear on console. Also added a refresher for lunar data.
# Authors and acknowledgment:
Fernando Velez (, but using routines from other authors ( , )
# License:
For open source projects, say how it is licensed
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
10 Yes! Yes! And thousand times YES!!!! Thank you! It's awesome!