Hi kinosavvy, You have already installed Color Scheme "Breeze-Noir-Dark". It is necessary to uninstall that color scheme and then install the Global Theme "Noir-Dark-Global-6".
I have the same problem. The color scheme is broken. You have to use an older one and install it in its folder manually. Then install each component individually. to get the full theme.
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Fails to install with this error: `Could not install dependency: 'kns://colorschemes.knsrc/apikde-look.org/1361466'`
Hi kinosavvy, You have already installed Color Scheme "Breeze-Noir-Dark". It is necessary to uninstall that color scheme and then install the Global Theme "Noir-Dark-Global-6".
I have the same problem. The color scheme is broken. You have to use an older one and install it in its folder manually. Then install each component individually. to get the full theme.
Hi inhaler, Thanks for feedback. I think it's okay now.
All good, keep up the good work!
Fails to istall
10 Love this theme! Thank you.
Thank You very much, inhaler!