Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Kröhnkite is mainly inspired by dwm from suckless folks, and aims to be "simple" in both development and usage.
* DWM-like window tiling
- Dynamically tile windows, rather than manually placing each.
- Floating windows
* Multiple Layout Support
- Tiling layout
- Monocle layout
- Desktop-friendly layouts (Spread, Stair)
* Integrates well into KWin features, including:
- Activities
- Virtual desktops
- Window switcher
- Fullscreen (KWin can fullscreen any window)
- Minimization
Look at me
1. Delete old or unused KWin shortcuts with reboot after it:
qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.cleanUp
2. If you have a gap or vice versa you have gray(white etc) rectangle that means that there is a program with size 1x1 that have to be filtered by title or other ways. Make sure that the following programs, if you have them, have been added to the filter:
2.1 xwaylandvideobridge
1. Columns layout:
- ability to configure default number of columns, OutpuName:ActivityId:VirtualDesktopName:ColumnWeight:ColumnWeight.... For Example: :::1:1:1 - 3 column without weights for every monitor, every activity, every virtual desktop. HDMI-A-1:99e10d31-e8f3-44aa-bbed-2a543f13fa54:Desktop 1:1:1:2 - 3 column the third one is twice as big as the first two
2. ability to specify the activity to configure default layout.
3. Added the ability to write only className or resourceName part in square brackets when configuring the script. [partOfClassName] ≡*partOfClassName* regular expression.
4. Added window layers in configuration. Three layers: Below, Normal,Above. For tiles Below as default and for floating windows normal as default.
1.8.2025 Fix: #110 https://github.com/anametologin/krohnkite/issues/110
Ratings & Comments
9 Works great on plasma 6.3 - https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/6/6.3.0/
Great job here is some promotion for your work https://youtu.be/O-Y99u1ziI8
10 great work! really enjoyable to use.... thank you
10 Works really well. This script helped me to move from tiling WMs such as Awesome and Xmonad back to KDE.
10 yeaaah the best option out there!
8 Slightly buggy now, but currently the best tiling script, which works under wayland
9 When version
10 Only good tiling manager for Plasma 6.
10 It is practically an analogue of bismuth. Thanks for the great job!
brooo Bismuth is a fork of Krohnkite
10 Nice one keep it up ! This is better then default one! kde developer should take note from this one or other window manager like Hyprland ! those are the best. they ruin the window manager experience with that tiling manager they enable by default!
9 Man everything except 'floating specific windows' works perfectly...these windows tend to get snapped...
That's because "specific windows" hasn't any specific flags: dialog,splash,utility etc. These are normal windows and I don't know how distinguish them.
9 Polonium is more popular but I find this one much better.