Description: claudemods torpedo plasma 6.1 v2.05.5 16/07/2024 arch kde plasma 6 with a twice things added so far install at your own risk!!! known extra apps and packages installed but there maybe a few more 1: kate 2: konsole 3: discover 4: firefox 5: virt-manger 6: gnome-boxes 7: dns-changer 8: piper 9: java-runtime 10: python-sphinx 11 python-chardet 12: fuse2 13: packagekit-qt6 and qt5 for discover backends 14: flatpak also a discover backend 15: kio-extras 16: xf86 packages theres a few check if your touchscreen works hehe 17: vlc as its a plasma default package 18: xdvi 19: libwacom 20: cups for print managing 21: claudemods service menus for dolphin 22' chaotic-aur 23- linux-zen latest kernel from when iso was released 24- waydroid 25- binder-linux-dkms 26- all latest kde packages from when iso was released 27: custom firefox theme 28; plasma screensaver and power settings turnt off 29; extra system improvements such as debloating by cleaning cache 30: user session set to start empty sessionLast changelog:
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