Description: A modern configuration center for KDE plasma based on the awesome kde_controlcentre by Prayag2
Highlighted features
* Ability to change between layouts(take a look to the preview images at the top) * New components layout * Battery widget that shows relevant information about device battery * Button to trigger system session actions * Toggle buttons highlighted based on states * Dark/Light mode switcher with posibility to also change Global theme (look and feel) * Night Light control * Widget to execute custom commands * Animations while opening/hiding pages * Configuration pages for Network, Bluetooth, Battery, Brightness, Volume devices and more * Modern media player UI
Main dependencies to work properly:
* KDE Plasma >= 6.0 * Packages: plasma-nm, kdeplasma-addons, plasma-pa * KDE Connect
IMPORTANT This is still a work in progress, so some parts might not work properly if so it would be very helpful if you could report it in the product page or in the github issue tracker for this project(preferred way)Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
Kubuntu 24.10. It doesn't work.
Hi, what's exactly the error log?
same here (plasma 6.3-issue, posted log on git)
i've published a quick fix to get it working in plasma 6.3 please try updating the applet
Solicitud de funciones: botón de acceso a Spectacle y widget meteorológico en el encabezado. Saludos!
Agregué el acceso a Spectacle como un botón de screenshot, ahora puedes habilitarlo desde la configuracion del plasmoid
Lo voy a probar. Función realmente útil a mi entender. Gracias y buen trabajo!
9 Olvidé la puntuación.
Muchas gracias por la puntruacion! :)
Excelente! El tipo de plasmoide que el escritorio Plasma necesita desde hace tiempo y que por alguna razón los desarrolladores no implementan.