- Fresh port to plasma 6 - Consider the 6.0.x as beta quality
- Requires "python 3" and "imagemagick" to be installed on the device showing the widget! - Both are ubiquitous and probably already installed. If the widget isn't working, check that they are installed!
- Set the address to your mpd server in the widget settings!
Usage Desktop Widget
- Click on cover for play/pause
- Double click cover for next song
- Scroll on the cover for volume change or use the slider
- Click on the song info text for song management
- Configure the visuals in the widget settings
Usage Song Management
- This main goal is to provide a visually driven experience. So we assume that most of your songs have embedded covers.
- All songs should have the album-artist tag filled out to show up under Artists. We assume that too.™️
- Hopefully most of the interface is self explanatory. (Of course it is!)
- Hover over interface elements for tooltips and shortcuts.
- If you see a cover-image left or right click on it, there's usually some functionality.
On Downloading Covers
Give. It. Time.
- The widget is downloading covers in the background when it thinks it needs them.
- Here MPD serves the covers at a handful of kB/s. If a certain someone put a multi-MB image into a audio-file then that cover may take a minute to load into the cache. The same applies if a audio-file is very big (long duration). - Don't force it. Give it a minute or two to churn through. Just use the widget naturally.
- While downloading many covers - mostly affecting the initial download rush after using the song-management for the first time - controlling mpd may feel sluggish or delayed. This will settle after the covers are cached locally.
- Right click on the widget cover for clearing the local cover cache. Use it in case of emergency only. This should not be necessary unless hitting a bug. Or you deliberately want to manually trigger a redownload because there are updated covers available.
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