Glassified KDM
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Espacially for those who want a consistant visual experiance.
If you use a Netbook with a 1024x600 resolution you should better use this one:
See also:
Glassified Plasma Theme
Glassified Splash
I hope you like it and leave a comment if you want!
- modified plot-background caused by changes in Glassified Plasma Theme
- modified header- and footer-background caused by changes in Glassified Plasma Theme
- modified header- and footer-background caused by changes in Glassified Plasma Theme
- a little bit larger font-setting
- better background-scaling
Ratings & Comments
Link is dead, why?
Hey this is great! Been looking for a unified look from KDM to Splash. Very much appreciate the work. If there is one thing I could ask is that the KDM theme have users listing too that can be clicked on and selected. Just my two cents :). Thanks, painkiller10. For those that use Archlinux there are packages available: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=24185 http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=24187
Great work! Many thanks :)
sorry, i'm noob... explain me please how to install it. i've got altlinux 5.0 with kde4
Packages for openSUSE, Fedora, Kubuntu and Mandriva are available in the openSUSE build service repository home:llunak:kde (see http://en.opensuse.org/KDE/Build_Service for installation instructions).
Sorry, I need it for 1400*1050!! Nice work
Thank you for this awesome KDM theme! I have, however, a suggestion :) Because the login button next to the username and password field is grayish, it looks (to me) like it is disabled somehow. So my suggestion is to add a little color to it. Maybe give the triangle inside the button the same blueish color as the Menu button? This way you would not need an extra color.
the (angelic) "aaaaaaaHHHHHH!" is in the tweakin'. ty for your awesome efforts. art attracts..
Congratulations as always for this beautiful kdm theme! Can you kindly tell me which app you used to make the svg? I tried using Inkscape but I couldn't create a nice one from a jpg.
Hi and, like always, thank you ;-) I use inkskape to create the svg's. If you use images, like i do, you have embed them inside the svg file. Just mark your images and go to Effects -> Pictures -> Embed all pictures... After that you must edit the object preferences. Mark an image -> right click on it -> object preferences and set the ID for it. If you want to know more about plasma theming at all look here: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Theme I hope this will help you a little bit. If not just ask again.
Thank you, painkiller101! You deserved an A++! :)
Awesome job, so I now have the glassified splash, glassified plasma theme and the glassified KDM theme. Very good. :)
I've been waiting for this. Thanks. Have you considered making an alternate theme with a selector window for users?
Thank you for your comment. I first wanted to make it with a userlist, but it didn't look as well as now. But maybe i find the time to make an alternative with userlist. Stay tuned!
Yeah, I would also definitely prefer a user selector window. I hope you will find the time to add this. Great theme. Thanks!
Very good KDM theme.
Pretty good work!