Installation Instructions: Just extract into ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus
Questions and comments welcome

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.1 -> 0.15
Modified by Philipp Claves
Added: Error stream output to kdialog on mount/unmount failure
Fixed: Unmount failure was not checked, but mount entry removed from list
Fixed: Newline remaining in mount list
hanged: No mountpoint selection dialog for already mounted iso's, now asking for unmount instead.
Ratings & Comments
I've added some code to the script to automagically create and delete a mountpoint on the desktop;but you can still select one as per the original. Added mimetypes as I posed earlier. I have some NRG files to test with, but I suspect they are fubar, so I will create and test others later. Kudos to the author! This script is the first iso-mounting-from-a-GUI package that has mostly :) worked for me.
Hehe thanks. You said you added code to the script. Could you email me the diff so I can add it into the main script? (I'm swamped at school so I haven't had time recently to work on this)
No problem. Let me gather and I'll send everything. There's a change to the servicemenu *.desktop file as well.
i like the style in your script, however i have found one fatal flaw. the fuseiso call is wrong, you must do it like this: fuseiso "${FILE}" "${ISOMOUNT}" 2>${ERRTMPFILE} your logic in the beginning with the fuseisomount dir and mounted file is also wrong, but can be easily corrected. it shouldnt be elif, it should be a separate if. now to speak of enhancements! it would be better to not keep that mounted file around at all, i assume you did it because your fuseiso mounts didnt show up with df, but that doesent matter, just look at /proc/mounts. that way a user can unmount without having to modify the mounted file, and also, well.. provides failsafe incase mount fails.. also, i believe you should consider adding more mimetypes to allowed filetypes. at present it appears fuseiso supports .iso .img .bin .mdf .nrg i have been unable to find correct mimetypes for the rest, allthough i assume they just go as application/octet-stream, but further research may be in order. btw, and unmount would be nice too :) and if you convert the mount script to use /proc/mounts instead of your own file, it will be abit simpler to create an unmounter. :) hope you can use these comments
> i assume you did it because your fuseiso > mounts didnt show up with df, but that > doesent matter, just look at /proc/mounts actually, beginning from fuseiso-20060928 it is possible to find current mountpoints and image filenames in file ~/.mtab.fuseiso :-)
Thanks for your comments guys! I'll release a new version by Thursday (I'm on Fall Break from college, you can't blame me :P)
Okay, just checked out about the ~/.mtab.fuseiso. I didn't have the latest version of FuseISO so it didn't show up. I'm thinking about detecting which version of FuseISO the user is running and using the old behavior if they don't have version 20060928 or later. Also I noticed in the help output for fuseiso the -p option which creates the mountpoint if it doesn't exist and deletes it on unmount. I'm wondering if that should be the default behavior if they specify a non-exist mountpoint (impossible right now). I know I promised something by tomorrow but midterms are coming up and ACK! So bare with me! Thanks for the interest in the project though :D BTW instead of using this comments section as a way to communicate, would people be interested if I set up a small mailing list?
> Also I noticed in the help output for > fuseiso the -p option which creates the > mountpoint if it doesn't exist and > deletes it on unmount. I'm wondering if > that should be the default behavior if > they specify a non-exist mountpoint > (impossible right now). Exit with error. I`m sorry, i was added this options for the purposes of "heavy solution" :-) But i`m pretty sure what "light solution" have rights to live too :-) > BTW instead of using this comments > section as a way to communicate, would > people be interested if I set up a small > mailing list? I don`t know whether it is needed. kde-apps is not a best place for communications, but i can only be 'viewer' on the list.
IMO keeping that sort of backwards compatibility is abit strange, its certainly better to parse /proc/mounts then.
There is a little problem with /proc/mounts -- it does show mountpoint, but not image filename. That is because maintenance of ~/.mtab.fuseiso was implemented.
yes but i dont see a problem with that, just have it impossible to mount one iso over an existing mountpoint. i dont see that it really is required to know what iso is mounted there.
Oops.. Yes, you are right. Not for service menu, but for konqueror plugin -- display "Unmount" instead of "Mount" on some specific iso image. But yes, for fuseisomount it does not meaningful.
Adding other files is easy. Adding: Patterns=*.iso;*.ISO;*.bin;*.BIN;*.img;*.IMG;*.mdf;*.MDF;*.nrg;*.NRG To /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-iso.desktop is a start. Next is handling the different extensions in the script. I'm feeling my way thru this at the moment. This is the first right-click iso mounting utility that has mostly worked out of the box for me on Kubuntu Edgy Eft. Some things that tripped me up were permissions in fuse, RTFM so you'll know to add users to the fuse group and logout/login or reboot. Jeff