This little service menu lets you confortable add a password to an existing pdf file.
It requires pdftk to be installed and the original pdf will be renamed to FILENAME.pdf.old
- copy the the addPDFPasswd.desktop file into your ~/.kde[4]/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus folder
- open dolphin
- right click a pdf file
- select "Actions"
- select "Add password to PDF"
- in the dialog box enter the password
By default, the script will pop up a confirmation screen that the file has been password protected and the original file has been renamed. If you don't want this confirmation screen, go to line 12 of the script (starting with: Exec=/bin/bash -c 'Confirmation="1"

- added Greek Service Menu translation (thanks to dglent)
- made confirmation dialog optional
- fixed .org / .old discrepancy between confirmation dialog and actual renaming
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
After apply the password, the original file is renamed to .org and not to .old It is ok the org or had to be old ? (i found the .org very nice although) For a click install mageia users may want to use this rpm : I added a description in Greek in the desktop file: Name[el]=Κωδικός πρόσβασης στο PDF